"Riiiide into the Danger Zone..." I love the plethora of memes on this dink. He looks like the stoned manager of a fast food restaurant, but by stinking luck he "runs" a country. It's almost as though his dad worked in Congress.
I've probably seen that second picture (immediately above) 10 times. And this is the first time I've realized I am using the exact same mouse as them. .... Fuck.
You don't have to hack a NK computer to get inside it. Hell the one in the photo has a back door, you can just walk right in. And fucking WHEELS, in case you want to take it cruising for chicks later.
The thing I find amazing about that photo is the desk-like giant computer casing. They took this photo on purpose, as a staged PR event, and that was the coolest thing they could round up?
You need to look slick while launching your rocket-propelled water heaters 500 miles wide of their target. Note that it's still hooked up through cable spool behind it. It brings the whole room together.
In other news, Greenpeace just shot itself in the foot: http://www.slate.com/blogs/future_tense ... _site.html
I've worked for a couple of defense contractors. Our stuff looks like that, too. Functional and cheap wins over pretty every time. That case was probably repurposed from something the Soviets or Chinese dumped on them 20 years ago. They probably figured the big custom console made a better photo op than just sitting glorious leader in front of a Lenovo.
Christmas is a little over a week away. Merry Christmas! Spoiler Yeah, I don't know either. But the dudes in the front are totally getting some action.
So threats from a random bunch of hacker nerds caused Sony to pull the plug on a movie that would have done ok at the box office before all this but would have cleaned up now with all the press surrounding it. Makes sense.
Re: On Anus. On Brownhole and Knotty! I see you've discovered our plans for what to do with Parker and Popped Cherries.
Re: On Anus. On Brownhole and Knotty! You're going to need more dudes to cover my cock. Also, fuck that, I'm not even going to be in the bottom four. Consolation bracket champion right here!
The controversial Kim Jong Un death scene "leaked" online. Spoilers, obviously: Spoiler The whole thing smells of viral bullshit. So we can portray the Soviets in a Rocky IV, Red Dawn, Rambo III and in Yakov Smirnoff, but we can't make fun of North Korea?