Re: On Anus. On Brownhole and Knotty! Wow, I didn't realize that when you said you were moving in with your 'girlfriend' you were the bear. How does he feel about you needing more men? Talk to us, Parker, we're here to help. Really.
I think this is a sad day for America. I know the movie was going to be insufferable and stupid. But I don't like feeling like North Korea is getting what it wants. Because...
I was going to say maybe the difference is how Kim Jong Un himself is a character rather than some random evil dictator looking type, but then I remembered this happened: Classic. Now this is happening: Alamo Drafthouse In Dallas/Fort Worth To Show 'Team America' Instead Of 'The Interview'
Is anyone paying attention to the post subject? Anyone? Hell I think champagne as a beverage has been pigeonholed. It's become too closely associated with romantic dinners, new year's eve, or special occasions. But it's wonderfully diverse. It can be drunk in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, before a meal, with a meal, after a meal, by itself, with orange juice or as a cocktail. And throughout the whole drinking spectrum, it's the classy thing to do and acceptable in polite society. Nobody says, "eww, you're drinking already?" when mimosas are ordered at breakfast. You can't pull that off with beer or whisky. At least, not in mixed company.
Yes, you CAN. Just like the way Hollywood portrays Arabs as scripture-shouting hijackers, French people as lecherous snobs and Germans as cold, angry luntics. Because it's acting: bullshit for the sake of entertainment. People who get offended by something not even intended to be real are the dumbest, most sheltered fuckheads alive. Pulling that movie was a bitch move, and I hope the people that made that decision become humiliated and disgraced because of it. Way to let pitiful morons push you around.
I agree. Whatever Sony's behind the scenes reason for it doesn't matter. All they have succeeded in doing was letting people who make empty and overblown threats win in this situation. Sony has an embarrassing history of being hacked. Giving the world's punchline a victory in this sense does nothing.
I read an article this morning where the Sony President basically made the call given that Japan is a little closer to North Korea than the USA. They figured if they can't reach the US, Sony is based in Japan, they'd go there. These are suits here, not military generals making the calls. They got scared and bailed on it.
Re: Is anyone paying attention to the post subject? Anyone? I thought the reason Sony pulled the movie was because a bunch of theaters had already started bailing on it? Whenever I mix leftover champagne with my homemade peach or cherry brandy, I get shit-faced really quickly. It's awesome and scary.
Yeah. It's not like there is any historical precedence of nations actually carrying out their threats. Pussies.
Personally I think the big, and very real, threat that Sony faces is another shutdown of their internal office systems. Regardless of whether or not it was Best Korea who actually did it or not, it seems clear that they were the ones who caused it to happen, and it had a very real and ongoing impact on their day-to-day operations. Best Korea may be talking out of their asses when it comes to physical threats in US theatres, but Sony has already suffered a very real, substantial financial impact at the hands of the hackers, and an incredible loss of face, and are probably still struggling/thrashing trying to figure out what happened and fix it, never mind protect themselves from another attack. That, and I bet they are very, very afraid of what information the hackers have that they haven't released as of yet, and don't want to poke the bear, even if it is a retarded Panda bear.
This. This is my guess as to the real reason they pulled the movie. Blackmail with as yet unreleased hacked info, stuff that would cost them more than taking the loss from pulling the movie. Still a bitch move, and it sets a dangerous precedent. When you give in to bullies/terrorists, you're training them to keep fucking with you.
The only reason this is a bitch move is because they don't have their shit together. Their IT is weak. If you're a 98 lbs weakling, you don't go picking fights with anyone.