The last day of your indentured servitude you should feed the dogs nothing but Mexican food and braised cabbage. Revenge is a dish best served gassy.
I've always taken dogsitting to mean that you basically have a dog for a while. Being at their place is housesitting, which may imply tending to pets and always implies tending to the liquor cabinet.
My dog only eats once a day. We feed her in the morning. Although she gets treats when she pees. And maybe, possibly other times. I'M NOT WEAK DAMMIT! She's just adorable.
Re: and a fappy new year Welcome to Fap. How many? And, Fuck's truck stop is probably popular. Spoiler And, I just blew my own mind . . . I typed Fap in the standard font I've been using for all my correspondence since I began my professional career: a very standard Times New Roman. I wanted to see what the serifs looked like. Did you know that when you switch TNR to "italics," the letters don't just slant to the right, but the "A" changes? It goes from the "a" that looks like an upside down "g" to an "a" that looks like a "q" with nothing below the line. I can't believe I never noticed that before. Continue your revelry. I just thought everyone should know that.
My sister-in-law, who I really quite like, spent all year saying how much she doesn't want Christmas presents this year. Doesn't want gifts, doesn't need anything, just wants to be with her family and enjoy a relaxing holiday, doesn't want to complicate everything with presents. With 6 days to go before Christmas, we JUST got her Christmas list. Apparently the last 11.5 months were a bunch of crap. Nothing on this list costs less than $300. I might just get her a half eaten pie and call it a day.
There's an Asian buffet place along the drive from Minneapolis to my hometown in southern MN called Mei Dong Garden. I chuckle every time I go past it. Spoiler Also, happy Friday! Spoiler
You have to tell me where you got this calendar, hopefully they will print a 2016 version so that I can rule secret santa next year. I think a calendar of dogs shitting would be perfect for her.
Looks like they're sold out for this year, but here ya' go: ... EBIDX%3AIT
Re: and a fappy new year Amazing. That's the sign I was talking about. It's on US 78 just outside of Potts Camp, MS.
Thanks toytoy! Bookmarked in hopes of a 2016 edition. Not sure if the calendar photographer's name is really Wagenman or if that's part of the joke.
Cards Against Humanity sold 30,000 people boxes of shit for $6 each. They were sold out in the first day. Stay classy, America.
I had thought about suggesting a TiB Secret Santa exchange, but in the end I didnt think it could be pulled off for the following reasons: 1. Not sure how it would have worked as far as assignments. 2. I dont want to be held responsible for the creepy things people might get.
That would be awesome. Alternatively, TiB Festivus, where we just air our grievances against each other. Also known as: the Drunk Thread.
And giggling the whole time. Don't lie, you giggle. Did you hear about the old lady that died that stipulated in her will that her perfectly healthy German Shepherd should be put down so that his ashes could be buried with her? And since dogs are ruled as possessions, it's allowable. Shitty lady. They found a vet willing to do it too. Merry Christmas indeed. They are trying to find an out for the animal.
I would participate! There would have to be some kind of vetting process though because while some of you are cool, some of you I would prefer not to have my address. Ever.
Forgot to add this, but the number of people who think my lab is underfed/malnourished is surprising. They don't get he is a very athletic dog and supposed to be a lean mean hunting machine, not a fat fuzzy barrel with legs that just shits and sheds. I *could* visit and feed/water him once daily if I had to, but then he'd be a shaking, crying mess of anxiety when I'd get home. Not a destructive dog but he needs more interaction than that, even if it's just having you in the room with him. A lot of that has to do with his original owners neglecting him. I need this too. For those who like working dogs, the NRA Gun Dog calendars kick ass too. I love mine. However... My girlfriend put together a calendar with a dozen photos of my dog for Christmas this year. It's the best.