If I think about baseball I can add another couple of minutes. Maybe a minute for a water break, then another to knead out the inevitable foot cramp. I think that gets me to the next level.
Anyone else get like a hamstring cramp during sex? It drives me nuts and tends to be only in missionary at highly inconvenient moments.
Wouldn't they all be highly inconvenient moments? Who ever thinks "Now would be a GREAT time to get a cramp!"? Spoiler
We average around 20 minutes. I'm good with that. That's active pleasure time, not just the preliminaries and the cool down. Longer than that and the dogs start freaking out. Less than that is okay, as long as we each get ours. Basically, I'll take him any way I can get him. Except that super long (45 minute plus) sessions leave me sore. I don't like being sore.
Some are more inconvenient than others. On the run up to her orgasm, for example, is a terrible time to suddenly get a leg cramp. Way worse than, say, during cool down or during a more casual bit.
I have to buy Sambuca as a present. Is there anything I should avoid? I'm awful in the liquor store without a specific list. I'm looking to spend around $25-30. Or does it really matter?
I once got one of the worst Charley horses in my leg I've ever had while I was masturbating. It was while I was tensing up about to orgasm and I was thisclose when it happened. It was one of the weirdest, most intense collections of feelings I've ever had at once. I was expecting to be writhing around in bed, crying, screaming "Oh my god!" for much, much different reasons at that time.
We are dog sitting a friend's boxer. There are three boxers rumbling through my house. The dog across the street is barking. Now there are three dogs in my house barking. I'm about to start smacking people with a flipflop.
Anyone else doing nothing over the holidays? Our marketing department thought it'd be "swell" to launch our new iOS app in the Apple Store on Christmas Day. And they said, last week, "oh, we've estimated that you have to support 200k concurrent users by then." Joy. It was originally supposed to be done mid to late January, which would have been comfortably possible. But here we are with less than a week. First order of business was pushing the release back to Boxing Day, so that my live ops guys could at least have Christmas Day with their families. Then it was thrashing to get our current system updated to support 1000 times more load. Luckily we had the software architecture all built out, but we still have to deploy a ton of new servers and get them all set up and configured, never mind deal with increased bandwidth and a whole bunch of other shit that only techies would get. So what would have been nice to know a month in advance has turned into a last-minute thrash to get done. Luckily we have a ton of automation in our process, but we're still going to be busting our asses to get shit working. The only thing that really pisses me off is I just _KNOW_ that this will be yet another case of the marketing people grossly overestimated their effectiveness... I doubt we'll get even 5% of their estimates when they say we will... but that doesn't matter, we still have to thrash. They've done this to us twice in the past, and I've already had the talk with the CEO about "strike three", and he's on our side. The only real consolation is that I've managed to get my guys a huge "sorry we fucked your Christmas" bonus ($10k) and an extra week of vacation so that they can at least do something after Christmas. Me? "Welcome to being a Director in a startup". Luckily I'm not going anywhere for Christmas, as the majority of my family is heading out on a cruise on Boxing Day, so I was just going to hang out and drink anyway... but this kind of puts a damper on shit. Christmas Eve I'm planning on doing a Production migration into a new hosting environment... anyone care to join me? Either way, on Boxing Day, we're either going to be up and running and drunk, or we're going to be not running, and drunk. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
I'm spending Christmas Eve working until 3am, Boxing Day working 12-8, and NYE working until 9pm. Yeah I'm looking for a new job
I basically have 3 options. 1. Go visit my uncle who owns a funeral home. In Iowa. 2. Go spend it at a casino with my gambling addicted grandparents. Also in Iowa. 3. Go drinking in the twin cities with friends. Yeah, it was a pretty easy choice. I unfortunately have to work around the holidays, but I am at least getting two four day weekends so I really don't have anything to complain about.