I just had a PBJ using crunchy PB and it was very easy to spread on my slice of bread. That was because it was room temp and it was also one of the natural ones that you have to stir - usually PB is softer when it has been stirred. So then I was thinking about the whole spreadability thing and wondering if there is really a difference when it is crunchy vs. smooth. I don't think there is. I think it has more to do with the viscosity of the peanut butter. I feel like I should run an experiment. Same brand, same temperature, same tissue-paper-delicate bread. Will the smooth spread that much more easily than the crunchy?
Well, it was in the running back in August. I am assuming that part is a done deal, with just the middle name up for grabs. I've already gotten it embroidered on a onesie. You can go in half if you want.
Am I dating myself to confess that this popped into my head, or did I just have too many martinis with lunch? Spoiler Edit: Admit it, Tibettes: You want a roughneck.
Nett, I'd by wondering why you get second billing there. And Rush, sorry to hear you aren't doing so well that you need funding for half a onesie. I'm wondering how many people were like "what the fucks a onesie?" before clicking on that picture.
I'm with you on that as well. Vegemite is nasty ass shit. You might as well be scraping dags from around the Devil's asshole and using that as your spread. I now have a carton of rum, a carton of White Rabbit Dark Ale and half a carton of some mix and match and I'm set for the next couple of days.
But....Rush is old too. And ewwwww, sharing a beer. Talk about germs. Edit: My daughter's an idiot. They tested her for gifted. I know people laugh at that nowadays, but I'm trying to give you an idea of how intelligent she is. It boggles my mind some of the stupid ass shit she does sometimes. But she makes me laugh. She's now wrapping small boxes for her friend's for Christmas and I walked in fully expecting a disaster (camera ready too to mock and make fun of her) and was pleasantly surprised. I tell her not bad and she shoves the present back and tells me to "look at it from afar." And she only had one done (out of 12) in about 30 minutes. Sigh.
Someone stole my nieces gingerbread man, leaving a chalk outline and a ransom note. We have been questioning everyone here. We performed handwriting analysis. My niece just got a follow up email from the thief. From gingerbread man thief agnail, the thief now demands all the children's christmas candy in exchange for safe return. I am about to lose my shit. More wine!
I've taken a staff drink home after every shift for the last month in preperation for Christmas. But then I realised I could probably just lay off the beverages for one Christmas, sell the drinks, and buy a yatch. I deserve to spoil myself.
Well, shit. I just somehow managed to burn the almond bark for Oreo truffles. How do I fuck something so easy up?
Sugar goes from "fucking amazing caramel" to "charcoal dust and smoke" in the blink of an eye. Not hard to to.
I work only half a day tomorrow and then I am off for 4.5 days. I'm so excited about this that I'm in danger of hitting the booze too hard and then my half day will be hell day.
We watched two different commercials I think. Those dudes were sharing a woman. Then one guy drank a beer. Then he handed his buddy a beer. EBDB
Sold a kidney, only need one of them. Besides if I need a new one I'll take it from one of the Greenies. I'll say it will help prevent climate change and they'll hand it over and pay for the surgery.
Yeah, double post, eat me. I FORGOT THE MOTHERFUCKING PILSBURY BISCUITS THAT GO WITH MY POT ROAST TONIGHT! I am so pissed, now I have to go out and buy them today. Those Honey/Butter Biscuits are ludicrously delicious.