Fuck the holidays, at least I have time of work. Schnapps is fucking disgusting, I don't know why Germans like it so much.
Got a bottle of Bison Grass vodka and just made myself a drink with apple cider from the recipe's it came with, fucking delicious. One of the best drinks I have had in awhile. Edit: Also got LL Bean gift card, a couple bottles of booze, some clothes and a little cash.
My parents bought me a PlayStation after I explicitly told them not to spend that kind of money on me. Then today their washing machine died.
Got an Xbox one and all the accompanying goodness, good booze, clothes and various other things from the wife Her parents got me a hand crafted chess set which is fucking amazing. 2-0 tonight I hope that trend continues when I am sober
Christmas was pretty awesome this year. Could have been a lot worse. It helps if we stick to a four-hour plan. After four hours, we're out. That's a good amount of time with each family without getting twitchy. You know what's tacky, though? These bitches who invite you to their baby showers obviously only to grab free gear and make a big brew-haha. There's been a flood of this lately. It's girls I've literally spoken 5 words to over the last year, only been around twice, and I only know them through our respective husbands. This particular girl I have in mind, only because she's the latest, is someone I have only known peripherally for a year and has invited me to one of the most Obnoxious Woman Events that Exist. And to top it off....she and her husband came to our wedding and didn't give us so much as a card. Fuck off. For my bridal shower I invited my aunts, cousins, and my four closest friends. It wasn't 100+ people; most of whom I only know as acquaintances....It was only the women nearest and dearest to me that I really care about. Lifelong friendships and stuff. I don't get girls. Why do we make shit such a big deal and invite anyone that we've ever met? Tomorrow I go back to work, but we're making it a fun Christmasty thing since my co-workers and I have a light load, and we don't have a set schedule like the nurses. I'm actually looking forward to it.
If that's the case, In N Out must be a lot better in California. I'd barely rate the ones in Texas above Wendy's.
They must be. I've never had a burger from there and thought meh. When I get food from there, I'm always in Southern California. Its possible that has something to do with it.
I read somewhere that it's different beef in Texas, so maybe that's it. To be fair, it's a decent burger, I just don't get the hype. When the first one in Dallas opened, I know a lot of folks that made the 3 hour trip from Austin to Dallas specifically for that. Also, there was this lady:
I'M CRYN YA'LL. MURICA. They're bringing an In n Out to Toronto and I'm sure I will try it some time in my life, but anyone who feels the need to cry over ANY franchise opening regardless of whatever business it may be should be strapped to a bed and sedated heavily. It's a fucking hamburger. Nothing beats what you can potentially make at home so move out of your parent's basement.
Five Guys is pig slop. It blows my mind the way people talk about Five Guys. It can't even compete amongst fast food burgers, and yet people talk about it in comparison to sit down burger joints. What a sick joke. To quote a wiser man than I:
Re: Extra in the bag Aren't good either! It's that thick cut, undercooked, limp dicked bullshit that in all other walks of life would be classified as a "soggy potato."
We have a Five Guys a mile from my house, I haven't tried it since my wife said it tasted like a "carbon doorstop." I hear you get a big glutton bucket of fries, though. However I will never eat at a place strictly for the side. Burger > Fries every time.
Whatevs dude, my taste buds are what matters, not yours. I also like Cookout, which is a regional chain.
Her sweaty asshole probably tastes better than most girls vaginas right out of the shower. I ate and drank like a fucking king today. Yorkshire pudding, filet mignon, wine sauce. Days like this me and my friend sit over a beer wondering why we're not running a pub (save for the 100k investment and inevitable loss, 14 hour days, and premature stroke).