Hey, fucknuts.... the animal tastes like what it eats. Go have a wild black bear and compare it with a dump black bear. The deer I get that feeds on cornfields is a drastically different taste than one that lives/feeds in a swamp. Sure, preparation makes a difference, but the meat itself has a distinctive difference. Go get yourself a free-range side of beef and compare it with your shrink-wrapped grocery store fare, and then tell me it's "all the same". Same goes for wild vs farmed salmon... if you can't taste the difference, you have no taste buds.
I am going to eat my first squirrel. Not really enough to make a burger. I think I am going to make a Hmong stew.
The Kobe beef burger that I had at the Blue-eyed Daisy Bake Shop in Serenbe was better than just about any steak I've ever had.
Oh come on... everyone knows that Kobe beef is no different than your local supermarket's shrink-wrap offering... it's all in how you prepare it. Fucking retard.
Question: One time at a new year's party our hosts were serving up both moose and deer. The moose was good, tasted like decent steak. The deer was awful. It reminded me of liver, just cheap, chewy and nasty-tasting. Can animals also be "gamey" or out of season which can effect their taste negatively? That's what they told me but I was wonders if this animal ate some bad shit.
That's the exact difference I found between "swamp, lean" venison and local (London area), wild, "corn-fed" venison that devour the local corn fields. The deer that had to work harder for food (Northern Ontario, no corn fields, more swampy/hardwood forests) was leaner and tasted much gamier due to the different diet and higher amount of work to get food... more muscle, less fat. The corn-fed deer was noticeably different, with more overall fat and a less gamey taste.
I have never had Kobe beef so I'm definitely jealous, but all things being equal I would still take a Kobe filet over a Kobe burger.
Farm chickens lay waaaayyyyy better tasting eggs than factory chickens. The yolk is more golden, and richer.
Meh, that shit has already been happening for years. DDoS attacks are annoying and once in a while a corporation with shitty IT like Sony gets hacked, but most of the time something important happens it's because the people are the weakest point in the system.
See now we are getting into hunter's old wives tales here. From my experience since I started butchering my own deer Ive found the meat with the least fat and connective tissue (silver skin etc) have no gamey taste at all. I grind and cook most of the fore shank and brisket cuts for my dog as they tend to have most of the fat marbling on a deer. Deer fat is off tasting as hell. The butcher I used to take it to would just through everything that wasn't the backstrap into the grinder and my stuff would always taste gamey. Freshness and cooking method also seem to play a part as any hint of freezer burn or reheating it in the microwave will impart that gamey taste. Im also not keen on "aging" doing anything but wasting the outer most layer of meat you have to toss out. The temps were right last year for my last deer and I let it hang for a week and a half. It wasn't any less gamey then any of my other deer and I had to cut out the leathered purple outer layer and toss a lot of meat. The absolute best tasting meat Ive had is taking it off the animal as soon after the kill as possible. Im sure the deers diet can play a role in the taste. My deer are all Monsanto Corn Fed™ so at least they taste delicious before I die of cancer balls.
Once I get over the heart attack of how expensive it is, drinking wine at the airport lounge is totally the way to go. I probably shouldn't be drinking anything right now, but you only go around once, right? Bloody assholes be damned. What're all you idiots into today? I am so happy to be leaving this place. Houston sucks bloody assholes. Can that be the phrase of the day? Bloody assholes!