I understand some of the shifting of the top 10 due to personal preferences (even though you're wrong), but not top 10? That's a tall order, sir.
I've never seen an episode of The Wire. I didn't have any strong emotions for the Sopranos except that it depressed me, the few episodes I watched. I watched 15 minutes of Breaking Bad before I turned it off. Didn't make 5 into Walking Dead. I'm a horrible TV watcher. As for cruises, I feel like I wouldn't enjoy one because I dislike being around groups of random people. Even when I was at Home Depot a couple of days ago, and I couldn't get space from a random guy who was (I hope) just happening to walk and turn exactly where I was - I get antsy. I can't imagine doing something where I can't escape. Ick.
Here's the list of all the TV shows I've liked over the last 11 years in chronological order: The Shield Sherlock Archer So...that's my top 3?
Archer South Park Grey's (Anatomy...I'm a girl, and it's so bad it's good.) I watched all of Sons of Anarchy because The Husband was super into it. Season 7 can suck a bag of dirty dicks.
Seriously. Ive never had a show punch me in the gut emotionally like The Wire. Like some scenes were flat out hard to watch. Not because of awkwardness or cringeworthy, but because of raw emotion built around character development. Just some HEAVY shit in that series.
For me, that show was Oz. I watched the first episode of that and thought, "holy shit... I had no idea TV like this existed".
The Wire Breaking Bad Archer Sons of Anarchy The Shield Sopranos Peaky Blinders Luther Sherlock In no particular order.
Is M*A*S*H still on? Sherlock Arrested Development Life Mad Men Archer Cheers Firefly Friends Terriers The League Law & Order (The Original) In no particular order. Except the order that I wrote them in. Which is particular. I would've included 24 if it was just seasons (days) 1,2 and 5, but the others one water it down too much.
I still haven't watched The Wire. Every time I try to get into it something comes up and I forget about it again. Favorites - - The Sopranos - Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Rome (should have went more than two seasons) - The Twilight Zone - Black Mirror - Game of Thrones - The Simpsons (old seasons only) I kind of want to put Dexter on there, but I just can't justify it after the way that show went to shit after the 4th season. The show I will never understand why people watch is The Walking Dead. Holy shit did that show suck. I made it two full seasons and a bit of the third before I gave up. What was strange is everyone was making fun of how terrible it was and calling it the boring dead, but no one seemed willing to stop.
I was DJ-ing in a night club for a while, and got really hammered one night at work. Smoking hot fitness competitor chick came into the booth to help me out, and after about ten minutes I hurled all over her feet... like from the shins down. She laughed, took me home, cleaned me up, put me to bed, and left her number on the nightstand. Went out for lunch the next day and we dated for about 6 months. So yeah, it's a solid approach that is, in my opinion, drastically underutilized.
I see where you're going with that, but I don't get where the problem is... she took it up the ass like a champ, but her cock was huge.
Oz really felt like the first run for HBO. It has so many strong points that later shows like The Wire and The Sopranos would build on, but also so many glaring weaknesses that felt like rookie mistakes not to be repeated.
Definitely a pioneer, and greatly responsible for the current run of excellent television, if you ask me.
HBO definitely cut their teeth with Oz. The biggest problem with that show was the creators really didn't quite know what to do with the characters in that setting. Some of the acting is pretty crappy as well, the Ryan O'Reilly guy being one of them. The only other thing I've seen him in is the All State commercials. The one actor to really come out of that show was JK Simmons, and god damn was Vern Schillinger a terrifying character.
Dude, everyone was in that fucking show. You can't watch an episode of The Wire, LOST, Law and Order, Dexter or a half dozen other shows without seeing an OZ graduate.