Boink She probably doesn't want you poking the baby in the head with your penis. Because that happens. That's where the term "boinking" came from. If you're Aetius, you don't have to tuck away visuals - you just download the pictures from her Facebook page.
According to Bryan Callen Hollywood is filled with random sex parties and he's fucked a couple of masked yet obviously still substantial stars at them. Lots of weird swinger shit he's detailed on Joe Rogan's podcast before. Also why photos of this 18 year old half naked girl haven't been posted yet is beyond me (maybe I missed his first post about it). edit: 35 people crushed to death on The Bund in Shanghai during New Years Eve. I thought Chinese New Years got crazy there...
Due to a very poorly thought out bet, I will not be drinking until 2015. The beer is on ice. Happy New Year.
I spent the day perusing a woodworking shop buying all sorts of very cool shit for pennies on the dollar. Best purchase was a $1k jointer for $400. Then I bought a trailer full of wood. Needless to say the next 8 days of my vacation are spoken for. Out for dinner at the local pub to unwind, then it's home to meet up with a 22 year old I've somehow become fuck buddies with. As an older guy, I fucking love "daddy issues".
And she loves playing the role... this pic just showed up with, "don't forget your heart medicine, old man...". Looks like the New Year is going to start off with a hell of a bang. Dumb as a sack of hammers, and I don't give a shit. You kids all have fun tonight!
I mean we can all hope, but you should have a back up plan. If she's as dumb as you say she is, her reaction should be all kinds of fun.
Drunk enough now. Want to be better, will work on it. It's "drink like it's college" hour, haven't had Jack and Coke in forever, this should be fun
Sitting in a bar watching my wife and her friend drink over priced garbage. This is not fun in the least. Fuck being sober.