Dranka bunch of different whiskeys tonight. Haven't done that inn sometime. It was the "get drunk quick" liquor of my choice in my twenties but I usually don't use it to get THIS shitfaced. I think Knob Creek is the one I enjoy the most neat. Followed by Forty Creek. Great shit, I want to Van Danme a mailbox.
Happy New Year Idiots. Having the first beer of the New Year and the first beer in four months. Both are tasting mighty fine.
Happy New Year Idiots! Hope it was a good Eve and you had a great (and safe -except for Nett) time. Here's to hoping it's a great year for everyone!
Ugh... The amount that I drank last night just became ruefully apparent. Now I have to go through my house and fix all of my clocks that I set forward for New Years. On the plus side- I also discovered last night that my yard is extremely chainsawable. So I have that going for me, which is nice. Happy day, everyone.
I decided to ring in the New Year drunk on bourbon and gambling. I regret neither choice. Happy New Year, you reprobates.
Pretty certain I'm still drunk. For some reason my brother and I decided after midnight was the time to start pounding shots. I think at one point we did three in a row because apparently three isn a lucky number or something
I feel...weird. Last night was my first relatively sober NYE since I had food poisoning a few years ago. I'm on a steroid pack and antibiotic so even having two drinks gave me a headache....not worth it. But we had friends over and good food and I don't feel like shit this morning, so it's kinda awesome. Happy 2015, idiots!
Exhibit A Now, see, my mom always told me nothing good ever happens after midnight. Ha, burrrrn, mom!
Went to a casino last night after our previous house party plans fell through. Did you know MN casinos don't have poker? They don't have anything but slots and blackjack. Fucking weird. Well, having only those two options was boring as fuck, so they wife and I left the casino at around 930, home by 1045, saved a little on the babysitter, who I felt weird about kicking out an hour before the new year. Anyway, Knob Creek at home was tasty, wife was just about passed out at midnight, and the kid stayed awake long enough to see the ball drop. Then this morning, the wife grabbed me by the hand and nearly dragged me upstairs for a sexing. Good year so far.
Re: Exhibit A Your mom may be right. Currently I'm suffering from some heinous liquor shits. Also my toe is jacked up, thinking maybe I broke it, its pretty dam sore. I have no memory of injuring it, it appears I time travelled last night.
Re: Exhibit A You're posting from the toilet, aren't you? The visual...is just...awesome. And by awesome I mean: Spoiler I picked this one because it looks like he's vomiting shit.
Happy New Year. It is always nice to wake up to the Rose Parade. If only did not have to get the lights down and tree put away. I do not even get to play with chainsaws while doing it. It just has to get finished.
So there's an app called Untappd that's pretty much a FourSquare for beers. It's awesome to keep track of new beers you try so you can remember which ones you do and don't like. It's also a great way to remind yourself of all the beers you drank the night before because you can't remember anything past 12:05... So Happy New Year TiBers, and have fun nursing those hangovers today. (P.S. Nett, glad to see you didn't have the big one... Er, heart attack that is. I'm sure you had a different kind of big one)
It's now 2015. I look outside my door and to what I behold? Not a single. Fucking. Hoverboard. Thanks, Robertt Zemekis, for taking a gigantic steaming shit on our hopes and dreams, you just HAD to assume society would have reactionless drive by now! Asshole. Even SkyNet didn't take over. Hell, most of the roads aren't even finished yet. The Jetsons we are not. On the other hand, we landed on a COMET. That is something.