Happy 2015, idiots. Hosting people here went well and I got good and drunk but not too drunk for fun sex afterwards and again in the morning. Priorities. That's how you start a new year.
What a day... think I got a lot done. Went into furniture making mode, Canadian style. I don't have a shop to work in, so I have to make do with my back deck, which is a solid -8°C today. My first project this week is a heavy work/computer desk, which is more like a heavy workbench than anything... it'll be 3'x10' and be 4" thick, made out of pine with cedar strip accents, all finished with a dark danish oil, on 3"x3" square tubing legs and heavy, locking poly wheels. It'll be my main work desk at home, and will get beat up on a lot, so I just went with cheap material. It should turn out quite nice, and pretty substantial, when all is said and done. Started with planing all the material to the same thickness... which was a bit of a workout, seeing as there were 10 2x10'x10' pieces. Tomorrow I should be able to get everything jointed and ripped to size, then I'll get the wood inside and let it adjust to the inside temp before dominoing and gluing it up. While that's happening, I'm making top cabinets for the kitchen... going a bit nontraditional in that I'm making them out of glued up planed cedar rather than box and face them... they'll be solid wood construction. For now, it's time for a nice warm shower and a cold shower-beer. Hope everyone else is enjoying their New Year's Day.
Jesus. Using a cabinetmaker's table saw is terrifying enough under the best circumstances. I can't imagine doing it with a contractor saw precariously seated on a plastic table while my hands are shaking from the cold.
The table saw is a contractors saw with a solid base on it and great, and I've got it set up with some amazing feed guides that do a great job of keeping everything tight: The only thing I use the plastic tables for are for in/out feed (I've made special stands for them that get to the same height as the saw table). That's the planer on the table which doesn't really have to be that solid. As to keeping warm, well, Carhartt insulated clothes and a good fur hat go a long way to keeping nice and toasty. Is it a nice, comfy, warm shop? Nope. Does it get the job done fairly well? Yep.
The gym will be a crowded pain-in-the-ass starting tomorrow. All of the Resolution Warriors will be in swearing that "this year will be the year" and more than half will be gone by the end of the month. January is always insanely crowded.
That's why I love my rock gym. I don't even think most of the regulars realize it has free weights and a handful of machines tucked away in a corner.
It's been one year (NY day, because I was a pussy) since I stopped hard alcohol. Liquor and PTSD don't mix. They just... don't. Say what you will about new years resolutions not going to work and stuff, but for me, this was a life changer.
Its one of the few times I'm happy that I go to a tiny, kinda overpriced, 1 rack gym. And its probably 40% queer. Can I say queer? I don't know the rules. Whatever the correct nomenclature is, I love em. Rarely do I see guydudebros in there, its always clean, and I never have to wait for the rack. Its all great because there isn't a whole bevy of land manatees enrolling around this time of the year.
In my unpreparedness I didn't realize that my Y closed at 3 on New Year's Eve. So I did a drop in at LA Fitness. That was...interesting. Bunch of dudes staring at themselves in the mirror. I'm not exaggerating that either. About 8-10 of them watching themselves strut towards the mirror as they go to get their weights. Glancing sideways to look at their arms as they curl. I'd cut on the women too but I was the only one. And I turned my pins in the squat rack so I couldn't watch myself as I was told that was a no-no. But it gave me so much other stuff to watch.
I used to think that women were the most vain, self-centered, narcissistic, attention seeking whores on the planet. Then I got serious about fitness and joined a gym. Jesus was I wrong. What a bunch of mirror staring bicep mongoloids. Its such a turnoff that I've never done a bicep curl in my life. I just got home from the gym 10 minutes a go, and there was a young dude in there that did (I counted) 5 different iterations of a Tricep extension. In his defense he also did a plank and two hyperextensions. It must have been tricep and lower back day. Feel the burn bro, feel the burn.
My girlfriend wanted me to go to the gym with her yesterday. No thank you- to hell with that. I am curious about this place though, it's just five or so blocks from my apartment and would be easy to run to.
Red Hot You intentionally watched a late 80s, low-ranked Schwarzenegger movie. You could've just read the plot synopsis and "Quotes" page on IMDB and saved yourself some time.
I liked that movie, but I liked Battlefield Earth so what do I know? I also watched it when it was new, so nostalgia probably takes over when I watch it now. I think this is the worst movie ever made: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0109098/ It's the only one to date that I have ever walked out of.
I would gladly watch Red Heat and Battlefield Earth over The Constant Gardner. I don't know about the worst movie ever made, but it's definitely the worst movie I've ever seen.
Now now, let's not say things we can't take back here. Red Heat is a sleazy, tasteless, dumb-as-a-rock 80's action movie. Moonraker takes an Ian Flemming icon and throws in steel cable as dental floss not to mention outer space laser-gun fights. I repeat: outer space laser-gun fights in a James Bond movie. Moonraker is worse than Red Heat. And Gina Gershon Rowr.
Yeah, as an avid Arnold fan, Red Heat is a rough one. The acting is like someone tied strings to an aborted fetus and made it dance around. Im assuming that youve been the rest of Arnold's films then? Terminator Terminator 2 Terminator 3 Commando Conan the Barbarian Conan the Destroyer True Lies End of Days Running Man Total Recall Junior Twins Jingle All The Way The 6th Day Kindergarten Cop Red Sonja Last Action Hero Eraser Collateral Damage Theres a few more from his early days and more recent ones not worth seeing, although Escape Plan was pretty good.