Raw Deal for the win. Nothing like driving around in a top-down convertable while killing bad guys in a quarry. The CAR doesn't even get shot. It's as Numbskull 80's as it gets.
Hello my baby . . . hello my ragtime gal I would watch ^^ movie as well over The Constant Gardner. And, all the other ones on your list.
Hercules in New York! Watch a badly-dubbed Arnie in his starring debut as the son of Zeus, who after arriving in NYC becomes a pro wrestler and beats up a guy in a bear suit in Central Park. This movie is a MUST-SEE. It's also known as Hercules Goes Bananas. Rush: Last Stand fucking sucked. Waste of a great director.
No ma'am we did not find your tooth on the floor in the bar and yes it is swept daily, also thank you drug dealers in the Phoenix area, not sure wtf you were selling but it sure worked. Thanks for supplying the big titted bleach blonde 45 year old chick with enough emth and coke to be awake for 3 days and try to lick my ear. Women who met their soul mate New Years Eve and are meeting him again for a 6pm drink, if he does not show up by 7:55 move on, your jaw may still be sore from an ill advised parking lot blowjob but go home and get some sleep. Finally I understand you are free to cry but ladies don't walk into a bar and sit right by the well and start bawling and order a beer then call your ex and have him come meet you, I get that you made some bad decisions the night before but live with it. Nothing like working new years day.
Yea, she became internet famous with one with her bouncing up and down at the starting line warming up.
My friend convinced me to get my first Brazilian today. I didn't know I signed up to get my butthole done until she told me to turn over on my belly and spread my cheeks. And really, after everything I just had done to me, wasn't that big of a deal.
2015 is kicking off with a bang for me. I popped my speeding ticket cherry with a $170 ticket for going 10 over. I really wish the officer had bumped it down to 9 over. And screw my truck's speedometer. I was showing 7 over. My GPS was saying I was going 9 over, but I thought something that had to bounce off satellites was more likely to be in error.
Boys She's 21 and studying engineering, and may make the Olympic team for Australia 2016. She seems to have a pretty good sense of humor, and recognize how she can take advantage or her assets. In other words, she's going to make a lot of money. from the Chive Man, if I had a nickel . . . Really, though, you think there'd be a check box. Butthole? __Yes __ No __ Surprise me
Yay Rob Thomas. He looks so dirty there. I don't even care. I just called. I didn't fill out any paperwork. Rush.
Re: Boys Thank you for calling Mrs. Miyagi's Wax On Wax Off Superstore. Para Espanol, marque el ochco. Did you press the star key?
That video is a thing of fucking beauty. Anyway, I've already started this year off being an asshole/horrible person. There is this lesbian chick in my office who if she wasn't butch, I think could be cute. Now she's had a girlfriend she's talked about forever, very positively. In my head, since she's the butch one, I was expecting her girlfriend to be absolutely fire. She came into the office today and she was ridiculously unattractive in every way. I thought in lesbian relationships, one of them was supposed to be attractive? I was told this by a lesbian, why are these two breaking the rules?
This is so good it must be fattening: http://uproxx.com/webculture/2015/01/a- ... -for-days/ Yes. Unlocked. They could have gotten out any time, but were too methed up. And full of poop. I love this state. Diggin' the neck tat, too. CASH MOONEY.
My question is how much drugs did they bring into the closet to get that high for two days they couldn't figure out to try and open the door.