Do people now consider being a scene celebrity a "success"? That's a real job application flag: "Gets hit on at Club Doosh frequently." The fucking INDUSTRY.
See, it wasn't even like that. At "hot" clubs, at least the adoration is hot and heavy, this is place is more or less a normal bar downtown, i said "clubby" because it has loud top 40/hip-hop/edm playing, people dancing in multiple areas, is open till 4 AM, and has a few booths along the side where you can get bottle service if you're a tourist (I say that cause it would rank about 25th on the top places to get bottle service in downtown Chicago). But its certainly not a scenester place. The social dynamic has more in common with any other bar than it does a club. But these twats...
It doesn't seem to get talked about a lot here, but this weather we're experiencing here in Chicago confirms smoking is a horrible addiction. It's -2 degrees out here with a wind chill of -15. That's "Get the fuck inside weather." I almost quit my job today because I woke up and my weather app just had Frosty the Snowman showing me his asshole. I had to walk in it for 7 minutes and I was just like "Fuck it, let the Others take me. Winter is here. I'm just going to lie down and die." But of course I'm walking past people downtown, no hats, no gloves, maybe a coffee in hand smoking away. It just fucking blows my mind that anything is worth going outside unless you're going home.
I've been clean of smoking cigarettes for almost three months now, but an addiction is what it is: a destructive chemical dependency that fucks up your impulse, causing you to do things like stand in a freezing chill while looking moronic. All of these new anti-smoking bylaws and obstructions in Ontario crack me up, because they don't work. You can't make somebody FORGET they have an addiction by limiting their abilities to satisfy it: one way or the other, they WILL satisfy it.
I took spin class with Troy Aikman and 30 other people this morning. He's my guilty crush...I can't help it. I know he's dumb as a rock, but he's so handsome and friendly. And always super discreet in public; he doesn't want attention. It's endearing. And he's NOT GAY!
My wife is from San Fran and swears that Steve Young is gay. He did go to BYU, so its possible. Anybody want a gay off? Who's gayer? Aikman, or Young? Or C: Joe Buck?
Oddly enough, the only open anti-vaxxers I know are relatives of mine who aren't particularly rich, are reasonably educated (teachers and nurses) and fundamentalist Christian. Some of them are creationists. The nurse isn't an anti-vaxxer per se, but refuses to get the annual flu shot because "getting sick is good for your immune system". The real shame of it is that the anti-vax teacher works with special needs kids. Talk about spreading more poison. This also reminds me of the time when somebody asked as we were going off to a disaster-stricken tropical island, "do I have to take these anti-malaria drugs? I don't like taking pills". Sure, do whatever you want! It's not like malaria is a deadly disease or anything.
I am not anti vac, but I don't get the flu shot, my daughter has gotten all of her shots. I always get more sick when I get the flu shot then when I don't so I have stopped getting it. My mother volunteers at the local old folks home and takes our daughter every Tuesday afternoon, so my daughter was required to have it to go there. She hasn't been sick until she got the shot.
I usually get the flu shot, because every time I don't, I end up being horribly sick for a week. I still get shit from people who think it's a waste of time. They always bring up how the shot only protects you from one strain of the flu, and they always claim that the flu going around is different one, like they would fucking know. The shot is free and it never makes me sick, so what do I have to lose? Although I have to admit I've been feeling a bit autistic lately.
I'm glad I got a flu shot this year. My brother had the flu over Christmas and it knocked him on his ass for two weeks.
Calm down white people, even if they weren't trolling, there are plenty of neighborhoods where you can grow up and not know who the fuck Paul McCartney is. The trolling is hilarious though.
Yeah, even if they weren't trolling, I'd love to see a survey of (white) teenage rock fans to see if they know who Sam Cooke or Sly Stone are. Quality aside, the Beatles were a long time ago and not everyone grows up listening to classic rock.
I think it's that they have a hard time believing that they may be wrong about something, feel smart, so think that their opinion carries the same weight as years of science done by smart people. I run into it all the time in technology... people argue because it's an emotional response, not an intellectual one, and they get offended if you consider them to be wrong.
While on the topic of Dunning-Kruger and the rise of anti-intellectuals... ...what a great idea. Reward money for helping create smart people. Too bad it will never happen across the Pacific, where they fire every teacher in a school because the same idiots who raised their children to be idiots complain their little idiots aren't being coddled enough.
The first time I saw Aikman I was amazed at how much he looked like a dude that went to my school - who coincidentally also played football. Unfortunately the dude was a jerk, and poor Aikman was tainted in my mind as a result.
So I have jury duty tomorrow. Any advice on how not to get picked? Considering I'm cynical and educated I'm thinking I'm not likely to get picked, but any tips are appreciated.