Never lose a fantasy football bet, or else you might end up having to do a shot-for-shot, homemade version of the music video for Sia's "Chandelier." Gotta give the guy huge props... he fucking owned it.
Isn't that McLovin? Im sure even a near decade old hit role allowed him to actually put his penises in BOTH those girls vaginas.
Precisily why I don't make bets anymore that don't involve money and or beer, to many cameras these days for my liking. Good for that guy for standing up and following through on the bet, it's a rare thing these days, to many guys just say fuck it and back out. My buddy and his friend throwing darts one night at the bar and at last call my buddy tossed 2 darts in the bulls just fucking around, his friend bet him that if the third dart hit the bulls he would walk home from the bar naked. In the winter. In northern Michigan. Walking a mile naked in 10 degree weather was the last bet he ever made.
I don't think that picture is an example of insecurity driven hover-hand, I think he's just trying to avoid contracting hepatitis.
Holy shit that's awesome. Great job! I also like the kid standing there at one point. OMG! HE DIED??? Harsh friend dude. Also, was walking required or could he have started running? Cause you're friend deserved to die if he didn't run. "Gangnam Style," the South Korean pop star's enduring video phenomenon from 2012, has surpassed 2,147,483,647 views on YouTube, maxing out the site's original view counter. "We never thought a video would be watched in numbers greater than a 32-bit integer (=2,147,483,647 views), but that was before we met PSY," wrote Google, which owns YouTube, in a blog post this week. " 'Gangnam Style' has been viewed so many times we have to upgrade!"
If only The Hamster Dance didn't come out 15 years too late this equally shitty song would have some stiff competition. REALLY, society?!?!
I've never understood the fascination with that song either. Mostly I just thought it was stupid, but then again the most popular songs usually are. In unrelated news I found out the best apartment complex in the area I'm moving to is unavailable to me because I'll be making too much money. What kind of commy shit is this? The only place with an on site gym and decent amenities is reserved for the poor people? Lame. I'm thinking of maybe just moving directly in with someone looking for a roommate, but then I'm kind of thinking no because it would really suck to be stuck with someone you can't stand.
Jesus, the fucking cop bounced her head off the cement like a basketball. That's what it looked like, she may have snapped her own head into the curb. What morons make a full-on scene in a drive-thru with open beers in hand? I can only guess how spoiled they are in life. I would never DREAM of acting out like that, no matter what age, no matter how drunk. Did she scream "I'm pregnant!!!!!" just before she got knocked out? Where do they raise classy girls like this?
I heard that as well, but I'd like to think she was spinning tales thinking they'd ease off. And it looked like the cop was trying to get her out and she slipped out of his hands and boom! When I was in college I walked out of a bar to a girl fight. One girl was laying face down on the sidewalk and this other girl stood over her body, foot on either side of the girl's hips, bent over, grabbed her hair, and started pounding her face in the sidewalk. Girls fight nasty.
If anybody here likes curse words, just kick back and watch women get in a fist fight. When men fight there's usually some sort of strategy involved. With women it's four-barrels-open, rip her hair out at the root, use any object available as a weapon, continue with cheap shots after it's over. I always compare breaking up two girls fighting to dusting a ceiling fan while it's turned on. I could NEVER be rough--at all-- where as THEY can be as rough as they want. Luckily they are usually not strong because FUCK rhino tranquilizers are nowhere when you need them.