Re: Thank you, thank you very much I bought my buddy a velvet Elvis for his birthday and his wife refused to let him hang it in the living room. Clearly the woman has no taste in fine art. I made my usual Saturday run to the liquor store today. In line a woman started chatting with me, and, seeing the volume of booze I was buying, asked if I was having a party. I started to answer and the girl at the register piped up with "nah, he comes in here and buys all this every week." Probably not a good sign when you are memorable to the folks at the liquor store.
Re: Thank you, thank you very much Before my dad stopped drinking he made a weekly trip to the beer store and would buy 4 cases of Gennessee at a clip. I obviously inherited my good alcohol taste from him.
How much for a rib? I ate at Shane's Rib Shack tonight. Is it like that? In other news, I forgot how delicious Southern Comfort is. I am remembering. It's like alcoholic candy.
Re: How much for a rib? There is two things I haven't drank since College, Southern Comfort and Goldshclager. The smell of both makes me nauseous now.
Re: How much for a rib? Never has a palate for Golds. Southern Comfort isn't popuplar amongst my group but I like it. You just have to be careful because that shit is so sweet and goes down so easy it's not a hard thing to get a free trip to Blackoutville with it.
Re: How much for a rib? It took me a loooooooong time after high school, probably 10 years, before I could smell Southern Comfort without gagging but it is currently in my rotation of drinks. Great with sprite zero, had a couple tonight while cooking for current girl. All in all, a good night.
funball wants my junk Oh, I assure you, that trip is not free, my friend. I'm sure Sprite Zero and comfort is tasty, but it's not necessary. It's alrwdy a mixed thingy. Extra Sprite would just make you have to pee more, right? Om nom nom
I remember So Co was responsible for me almost taking out a sunglass hut kiosk in a Boston mall. True story: while the So Co was being consumed, I was handling a wood box that had been carved by Charles Manson.
I think So Co has the largest vomit-per-drinker ratios in the entire alcohol library. I always go easy with it, because it will clean out your insides like twenty quarters in the U-Wash pressure wand. Coke is my favourite mix for it.
Liqueur and poor decisions I have never vomited from drinking So Co. Bad decisions, yes. Vomit, no. I don't really see the need to mix with Coke. Just keep the bottle in the freezer, pour that bitch in a glass of ice, and boom. Happy times. Also, I am glad that my phone has auto correct. I am at a buddy's cabin in the mountains and he ain't got no internet for my laptop.
My favorite drink with So Co, from a paperback titled The Bartender's Bible, is called Sacred Mountain of the Pekingese Cloud Gods: 1 oz dry vermouth 1/2 oz southern comfort 2 oz OJ 2 tsp blue curacao Pour vermouth and soco into an old-fashioned glass almost filled with ice cubes. Stir well. Add the OJ, do not stir. Drop the blue curacao into the center of the drink. Add straw and drink from the bottom up.
Of all the bad decisions and drinking nights of my early 20s....SoCo was a never a main contender. Bless its heart. Wild Turkey, Jäger, Stoli and Bacardi? Oh yes. But never SoCo. That sweet mistress. Is there a polite way to be removed from a group text? My MIL and new SIL text all the friggin time about the most mundane, pointless, and petty shit. I feel like if it was something important we would get a phone call or a direct text without involving 8 other poor souls. Seriously, I get a weekly update regarding my new nephew's (perfectly fine and normal) health. Both my husband and I have been ignoring them for months, but nobody's taking a hint that I don't want to hear about Kiddo's light brown 3:04 pm poop or MIL's weekly Bible study.
Bewildered turned me on to this drink and I haven't looked back since. I've only tried mine with Flor de Cana. What do you use?
It was made for me in a bar, so I couldn't tell you. Which sucks because now I want to know your recipe and I can't reciprocate one in turn.