The original Jurassic Park is one of my favorite movies ever. When the 3d version hit theaters a few years back a T-Rex almost bit off my nose! I would be lying if I didn't say that this trailer excited me more than Showgirls did when I was 12. I'm 100% positive this movie will probably be terrible. But I will smile through all of the terribleness. It can't be as bad as the Transformers movies, right?
I am grinning like a rich tard in a Thai whorehouse. The documentary is called "Decoding Dinosaurs": Jack Horner, Phillip Currier and Robert Bakker are the three guys who are the most reputable, and they are in nearly all these documentaries. Mark Goodwin is good, and there are some awesome guys in Argentina and China. However, there are a bunch of dorky PhD's that say the most goofy, meaningless shit. The giant fish in the trailer is probably "Predator X". It makes Megalodon look like Mini-Me. ... rus_funkei Good or bad, this movie takes the documentaries I watch damn near every week and mixes in top-tier horror (not the Sy-fy b-grade shit). I am fucking sold.
There are links to pictures of the hybrid dino. It looks like a T-Rex had sex with a Rhino. I'm super excited. Visually it looks gorgeous and the romanticism of the idea of that park makes my dick hard. Ive heard rumors of "allied" dinosaurs and the trailer makes it seem that Chris Pratt works in cooperation with Velociraptors, which would be kind of dumb, but we'll see. Nothing dissuades my excitement at this point.
I think the deal is that Pratt is a dinosaur trainer and he works with the raptors/rexes to subdue the escaped monster.
The wikipedia page must have just been edited, because earlier it suggested that Pratt and some "Super Velociraptors" had to track and kill the hybrid beast. Peta will probably protest this movie because the water show glamorizes Shamu. JUNE 12 CAN'T COME SOON ENOUGH
That is the absolute dumbest fucking thing I have ever heard in my life. Pants on head retarded. It's going to involve brain microchips, I just know it. Does he do a jumping, freeze-framed high 5 with the T-Rex at the end? I'm turning into a sourpuss with event movies. I can't enjoy anything. When Bond 24 hits next November, clean out my diaper, and help me get to my walker.
is there some new nekkid female lumberjack reddit that everyone is viewing? Another message board I belong to posted this one a little while ago: NSFW
I just realized that this girl, by marrying my nephew, now has the same first and last name. I find this hysterical. And all I sing in my head is a song from Cheers.
Yeah... Well my neighbor's daughter just got married and her last name didn't change. Yes. She married her cousin. They are Mennonites.
Can't argue with that, keeps the bloodline pure. Of course the kids won't be able to chew their food from their giant swollen tongues or wear hats due to their fat, sloped foreheads but legacy is everything.