I took the test honestly and it pinned me for the Twin Cities (where I live), Salt Lake City, or Spokane. I think took it again and answered with the most ridiculous choices offered and the results were most red for Providence. So I guess Providence is where people speak the Cockney of the US.
I'm not sure if I should be envious of all the work party tales or happy that I'm only going to parties with people that I like.
If Providence are the Cocknies and they are bad, then listen to the Jordies: EDIT: I guess the proper spelling is Geordie
Jesus. Just saw "127 Hours." I'm real good with gore and stuff, but that amputation scene was rough. No wonder people fainted and had seizures when it debuted. Cool movie though.
I somehow ended up walking over 10km home from somewhere that is 4km away. I also busted my ankle and got home after the sun came up, was dressed as a chick and only spent $10 so the night wasn't a total bust.
Okay, do you mean to say that you started out your night dressed as a woman, or that you started it out dressed normally, and ended up dressed as a woman? This post raises so many questions...
That dialect test did a pretty good job of narrowing me down to the level of small cities that was more precise than I was comfortable with.
On behalf of those of us who haven't pirated/watched the fight yet, the spoiler tags are greatly appreciated.
Oh, no, my friend. There's absolutely nothing self explanatory about that picture. So many questions. Why don't you, step by step, take us through your evening. Don't be afraid to use phrases such as 'and a trucker honked at me' and 'my friend was really hammered and thought I was his ugly cousin' etc.... aaaaaand GO.
I have a good question, how do you pirate television these days? Of course you can download a torrent of a show or whatever, but UFC 194?
There are websites for these things. Someone on here recommended cricfree.tv to me a while back to watch baseball/basketball/football on. From there I just Chromecast it onto my TV. Presumably UFC works on there too. That doesn't record though.