Well this is cool. http://www.theguardian.com/world/20...hed-southern-netherlands-dutch-archaeologists
Man I'm tempted to start trolling reddit/personalfinance. Some of the "advice" being given is stupid as hell and the smug arrogance there is just ripe for mockery.
Define "Television"? Just about any series show is available as a torrent minutes after it finishes airing somewhere, such as Dr. Who from the BBC. They're available as torrents immediately after they're released on Netflix, such as House of Cards, and the same with Game of Thrones from HBO. As well, just about every shitty show from normal cable is the same. The tricky part comes to sports or news. You can go find things like football games or hockey games after they're done, usually with the commercials chopped out of them, fairly easily, but it's not really as active because most people want to watch that stuff live. As to "live" TV, like news, I've never really seen as a torrent. That's where the live broadcast stuff comes into play. Twitch used to be Justin TV, which made a huge name for itself by building out infrastructure that basically just rebroadcast live shows on the internet, pay per view shows, live tv, sports events, etc. While they were the big players that then went "legit" and rebranded, there are many other smaller players that do the same. You just have to be really careful about what sites you use for that, as a lot of them use a custom display app/plug-in that then turn your machine into part of a botnet or spam relay kind of thing. (This is why I always use a Virtual Machine to do that kind of stuff in, such as VirtualBox using one of Microsoft's "browser test" pre-made virtual machines.)
Can I just say how fucking sick I am of memes with spelling errors? If you're going to put in the effort to try to make a joke, at least turn on your fucking spellchecker.
My favorite are the political ones. But don't you dare point it out because you're the judgmental asshole. Can we add misspelled tattoos to the mix? http://memes.com/hilarious-misspelled-tattoos Nothing pisses me off more than the epidemic of people misspelling "rediculous." Everything is horrible.
At what point do you just step in and smack the stupid out of people? http://www.thecybercolumn.com/2015/12/a-us-town-has-rejected-proposal-for.html
http://www.roanoke-chowannewsherald...urce=fark&utm_medium=website&utm_content=link I read the original article, thinking there's no way someone said that. Someone said that. Jesus titty fucking Christ. The other complaints: building an energy plant doesn't produce jobs (what?), the panels cause cancer, and solar panels inhibit photosynthesis. You know. The grass under the panel, in the shade, is brown and dead. That's enough internet for today.
And this is from the retired science teacher of the area... so he's gone full retard, and because he's a man of science, everyone else is following along. I can't help but think of this: Fucking insane.
We have a farm with THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND ACTIVE PANELS near my work. You know what it does? Creates enough power for 17,000 homes and jobs. Period. Holy. Shit. I've heard legends of town that have only mentally challenged people living in them but wasn't sure until now. Enjoy your catastrophic loss, suckers. Elon Musk now wishes he was dead just so he can spin in his own grave.
I just finished working 6 stressful days in a row and have one day off before I go back on Tuesday. Time to get crazy!
I'm afraid to even look. It's hard to avoid commenting on some of the stuff out there about personal finance.
Cowboys and Indians night, instead of looking like everyone else I figured I'd go as Pocahontas. I got stupidly drunk, when we left the pub which is around 4km from my house I somehow went in a completely different direction and ended up walking well over 10km to get home, most of that on a busted ankle. The sun beat me home and because there was a bar tab I only spent $10. I did get a couple of wolf whistles and some old lady hugged me in the first pub and said I had beautiful legs.
DefinAtely. Shit. I finally get life together so I can post on Internet boards again and y'all are posting articles NOT about Trump highlighting how fucking stupid people are. I've missed you guys.
This board? Good advice. Always. This place alone tripled my culinary skills. Other places? NOT good advice. Don't forget: this place makes the rest of social media look stupid. When a true idiot did rear his head here or the old board, they received what I now refer to as the Full Milly. Also, I Elf On A Shelf like a motherfucker.
Random question, not sure if this is the right thread but drinking and smoking go hand in hand for a lot so... Anyone who has successfully stopped smoking, which method has worked best for you? I do about 1-2 of those gas station cigars a day. (Really good at quitting, I've done it dozens of times.)
My dad smoked for years and has been clean for like a year thanks to chantix. I used to smoke. Then I quit with nicotine lazenges. I went for a month just using them instead of smoking. Then weened myself off by limiting how many of those I could have a day. You have to be careful with them as it is much more convenient than amoking because you can so it anywhere. It has the potential to leave you more addicted.