I find it amusing that Pats fans are crying bloody murder about the refs, conveniently overlooking the fact that NFL officiating has been aggressively hot garbage for the entire season. Its not a conspiracy to screw the Pats, the refs just fucking blow.
Not even close, Brady missed two passes to Gronk that should have been huge gains and like 3 to Scott Chandler. Also, we're playing with practice squad guys and rookies. We're 10-1. We weren't undefeated with the last 4 rings, and now we won't be with the 5th one. Officiating has been bad this year, which is mind boggling because overall last year, there were a few issues, but nothing consistently WTF week to week. At the same time, the league did try to railroad our QB inflating something, leaking false stories to the press and not correcting them as soon as they should have. We can run around and say "Conspiracy! Goodell is trying to fuck us" but injuries are fucking the Patriots. You just can't be mad at injuries, so Goodell.
Just fucking shoot me now. GB was painful to watch. The offense is unraveling more and more with each game. If Adams could catch a pass it sure would be helpful. I don't even know what to say, they're sucking that bad.
Yeah, I knew something along the lines of that was coming. I take a little bit of light with me because the Pats finally lost a game. It may not mean shit but it still made me happy. By the way, did anyone else see what Cam was wearing off the field??? He looked like Nick Cannon on steroids.
I tuned in to the last two minutes of the Browns-Ravens game last night. The City of Cleveland has been my least favorite place on earth ever since I was sucker punched and spit on for wearing a Bengals hat at a Bengals - Browns game a few years ago. When the last play happened last night I laughed so hard they could probably hear me in Cleveland. There has never been a more bitter self entitled fan base. The miserable facebook posts from their fans made it difficult to sleep. I hate being a hater, but sometimes it just feels so good.
He's only guaranteed through next year. And beats the hell out of picking up the trash floating around the QB ranks in the NFL. He's had a good year, amazing what good coaching and a good OC can do for you.
First of all, the Patriots lost because we lost our entire offense two key parts of our defense and STILL almost won that game if it wasn't for the refs with offside calls. And you're 10% correct, it matters not. Also, I'm surprised no one else posted the Robert Flores gold from yesterday. http://ftw.usatoday.com/2015/11/espn-robert-flores-first-take-kelce-dance-because-hes-not-black Now if a mom wants to write in and talk about how Cam Newton's fashion exposed ankles are negatively impacting her daughter, I'd completely understand. He should have learned from Dwayne Wade when he did this shit two years ago and got blasted. It is not cool, regardless of race. Man ankles have no place in the NFL, the National Football League. We need to protect the integrity of the game, and someone think of the CHILDREN who are watching this. I'm expecting AND in favor for a heavy fine from his team, his teammates, the trainers, waterboys and the commissioner.
I love Cam Newton, and want him to dance away. But, I suspect he's being compared to every other quarterback's actions, where the QB is consistently referred to as a CEO on the field. Kelce's actions are compared to every other receiver / tight end, who, white or black, seem to all do dances. Personally, I think the way Tom Brady jumps up and whines to the nearest official every time he hits the turf, should be questioned about how that is being a role model, more than Cam's dancing.
I think him being a QB vs a TE is a valid point. HOWEVER, if you think if Aaron Rodgers or even JJ Watt went into the end zone for a TD and Whipped and Nae Nae'd, or did a dance into a Superman shirt reveal, that it would cause mothers to cover their daughter's eyes or the media to clutch their respective pearls, then you're just not willfully ignorant. Listen I thought Cam Newton was a shithead at Auburn and still through his first few years in the league. But since making stupid mistakes when he was 18-19, he's stayed out of trouble, become an elite NFL QB, and by all accounts become a solid member of the Charlotte community who is beloved by the fanbase. He's not a divisive character like Johnny Manziel. Trying to wrap up the criticism in some role model as a QB bullshit to cover up more nefarious undertones is bullshit. He's being a fantastic role model, having a fuckton of fun being awesome at the most popular sport in the country while not getting arrested for DUIs or beating his gf, and being more relatable than some robot athlete square like Andrew Luck who the media loves to cum all over. Also, 100% chance that if Gronk celebrated a TD by air grinding with a football, which I can absolutely see happening, nobody says shit.
Seconded, everyone expects Gronk to be a meat head. On the flip side the only problem I had with Cam dancing in the end zone was how long he did it and the taunting penalty he probably should have gotten for continuing that dance in the face of the defender that had a problem with it. Otherwise I'm on board with everyone saying "if you don't want him to dance, keep him out of the end zone." Enjoy it but don't take it too far where it takes away from the game, like the morons who are loosing by 30pts and celebrating a sack or a first down.
I hate the Superman bullshit, but as JWags says, there isn't much else to not like about him. He's changed my mind about him this year. I'm sure he's greatly relieved and deeply appreciative.
I remember awhile back when Aaron Rodgers started doing his spike + championship belt move, Skip Bayless and Stephen A. had a long discussion (sorry, Flores, that was on ESPN) during First Take about it. Bayless hates Rodgers anyway, but he ripped Rodgers pretty good for it and said he shouldn't be doing it. At the time, Rodgers' mom was interviewed about whether the move was vulgar, because he was doing it too close to his crotch or something. Like Hoosier said, as long as Cam doesn't do it in an opponent's face or go on too long, I don't see it as a big deal - but, then, I liked the Redskins' fun bunch.
You take that amateur hour college shit to that other thread. No, but seriously, fuck Cam Newton's ankles. I'm really excited for both the Patriots and Panthers to be 18-1 at the end of this season.
Bolded Portion: He's not elite. Not even close. While he has played better this year than any year previously, his QBR is barely top 20. He has a 2:1 TD-Int ratio, his completion percentage is below 60%, yds per game is 225. Yes, he can run. But in no discernible measure (individually) is he even remotely elite. His team is elite. Also, the guy has never been a class act. Didn't he get in a shouting match at the Alabama - Auburn game with a fan, where he was as an honorary captain? The guy is a gifted athlete, no question. However, he was a tool in college, he's a tool in the NFL. If anything, he's just gotten a bit better at hiding it. And for the record, I think all end zone dancers look like tools. When I walk a dog and it pisses and shits, I don't dance around the fucking street like a teeny bopper. It's my job, I do it and get the fuck on with it.
Please look at the Carolina offense. We give Brady deserved credit for making something out of nothing in terms of personnel, Newton is playing with SCRUBS. Philly Brown was an UFA last year, Cotchery barely averaged 300 yds a year with the Steelers and is well past a non-spectacular prime, and Ted Ginn has hands that are so bad that the Cardinals dropped him a year into a 3 year, $10MM deal. And he has Tolbert and Stewart as RBs, which are never going to force a defense into stacking the box. He IS the offense. That team drops so many passes its a miracle they are unbeaten. You can argue about definitions of "elite" but if you were starting a team right now, factoring in age, the only QB I'd take before him is Rodgers. Give me Cam Newton over Russell Wilson any day. Woo HOT TAKES. Sound more like a bitter old man. Your evidence of why he isn't classy is cause he yelled at some idiot outside the stadium? He wasn't engaging anyone in the stadium. He wasn't performing any of his "honorary duties". If that made you clutch your pearls, you probably shouldn't watch anymore football. As for the second part, maybe cause nobody gives a shit about your job and a major portion of it isn't entertainment. They aren't fucking accountants. Your complaint is like saying "David Lee Roth shouldn't have jumped around so much, just sing the song and do your damn job. Get the fuck on with it already Van Halen, fucking teeny boppers".
Yeah, let's totally judge a guy for being 19 and being foolish, while being in an environment that encourages it. That's completely fair. None of us ever did anything tool like while we were 19. Oh and on top of that, let's never act like people grow up, change or mature at all. That makes total sense. You don't like TD celebrations in football? Guess you've never played a sport and did anything cool in sports. When you have 11 guys on the field, and even more off the field thinking of ways to stop you from doing something and getting paid tons of money to stop you...then you do it? You're going to fucking celebrate. There is a rich history of NFL dancing once you get a TD, because it's a not something that is an everyday occurrence. Not everyone can do it. It's also entertaining to the fans. Football isn't fucking tennis or golf, where people have to be quiet and clap with two fingers. To compare that to something like picking up dog poop that anyone 7 to 90 does for free, that no one cares about, and does at least 3 times a day is fucking retarded. You're smarter than that VI, you have a goddamn law degree. I can't even get into the football side of it. JWags already covered it but that man is doing work. Elite QB? Maybe not. Elite Football Player? The burden is on those arguing against it. He's sure as fuck not game managing here.
Honestly, I can't see Newton as elite either. He's had a passer rating (sorry, but I still just can't take QBR seriously) in the 80s every season, including this one. That's average these days. He's only completed 60% of his passes 2 out of 5 seasons. Statistically speaking he's just not there. Compare him to Brees, Rodgers, and Brady. Not even close. If you compare him to the second tier, guys like Romo and Rivers he's still not there. He's a franchise QB and Carolina will be holding onto him for awhile, but he's got a lot more to do before he's in the top tier/one of the most dominant players in the league discussion. People are calling him an elite QB because he's on a really fucking good team, and like most QBs on really good teams he gets more than his share of the credit.