Speaking of vaginas, my wife is finally ovulating for the first time since her fucking IUD (or as I call it, her IED) got removed almost a year ago. Hopefully my seeds got some strong roots because that's all she's getting for a while -- tattoo appointment tomorrow, the rather large piece is either going on my chest or ribs. Either way it's gonna hurt like a motherfucker (get it?) and I'll be out of action for a bit. There's something profoundly cool about having original art on your body. This will be my fourth piece, and every one was custom drawn from a general idea I had in my head (my son's name is just font, but it was designed from about 10 different type faces I walked in with, with elements of everything including the Colt firearms logo font).
Can someone explain to me how not to piss off a group of women? I'm the president of a small student group, me and four women, pissing all of them off, having more fun conversations about feelings and shit. I'm part of a small group for a class, again me three women, all are pissed off at me, cue more conversations about feelings and thoughts and shit. Why can't we just make goals, delegate responsibilities, and get shit done? I love women I really do but being the only guy in a group of women is fucking terrifying.
I dealt with this in ultrasound school. Don't even try. Everything you say will be taken as mansplaining. Just be you. Fuck em.
I'm the only male administrator in a company comprised of 99% women. My advice? Whatever they say, goes. Treat it like a marriage. "Yes ma'am" and "I'm sorry" and "I'm listening." Even if you don't want to say yes to them, even if you aren't sorry, and even if you really don't want to listen. As the only male there, they WILL take out their boyfriend/husband/baby daddy problems on you because you are the nearest walking dick. I know to you it won't seem like your fault, but in their eyes it is. Perception is reality. They will dictate the agenda. Sure, you might be the "president," but that's in title only. Your best bet to get shit done is to take a machiavellian approach and achieve your agenda by way of subtle suggestion, strategic compliments, and calculated agreement and submissiveness when they are moving in a direction that jives with your preferred approach. Think of it like curling: melt the ice in the direction you want them to go, because water and women always take the path of least resistance. And when they hit resistance they wall up and put up a fight that sucks like hell until they break through. Water and women always win. Embrace the suck.
Well, it's simple enough to draw a hole, but do you add the clit and lips? Then with the shitty laptop touch mouse you still can't really tell if it's a vagina until you start adding legs and whatnot. Hard to do in 20 seconds if you suck at drawing to begin with. I don't mind being the only guy around women, but during my first job out of college there was only two of us guys in a department of about 15 women. He quickly got laid off and replaced by another woman. It's ok for a night out, or dinner, or whatever; but the day in day out grind of that much estrogen is more than I can handle. It's not that I was annoyed, but 90% of the time I couldn't give a fuck about the conversation around me, and they kept trying to include me so I didn't feel left out. Eventually I just blended in and they no longer cared that there was a male in their vicinity, and started blurting out all the female stuff women normally don't talk about when guys are around. It's fun in a social environment, but fuck that shit for work. All guys is almost as bad because they start getting all catty with each other.
Well said, Am I being entirely sexist when I say that I think women act differently when they're by themselves in contrast to being around other women? and this is relevant again....
This is so much more effort than I would ever put in. Don't get me wrong, you're probably 100% right, but what a fucking grind.
My department is all women except for me. They all love me. Why? I learned long ago, when around a group of women, to keep my mouth shut. If asked my opinion, I don't have one. On anything. "Whatever y'all want to do is fine." Granted, my approach would be exactly the opposite in any other situation, but for a group I have to work with every day...it's just simpler to shut up, do my job, and not get involved in all the drama, gossip, and office back stabbing.
Here's a secret....they don't want us to fix things, offer advice, or get shit done. They want us to listen and agree with them. Unless you're wanting to get laid. Then do the opposite. The whole game makes my head hurt now.
Why the fuck am I a president of a small group full of women? Oh wait thats because no one else volunteered and I thought fuck it, I'll do it, it'll look good on my resume.
I think he was pretty clear that only works if you're rich and famous. Or really like the taste of pepper spray.
I fucking hate cats. I like drinking rum and watching hockey much more. And I was asked again if I'm Canadian at the bar. What the fuck.
Also observe what happens when one woman leaves the room and what the opinions of her from the other remaining women are. One thing I have observed without doubt is a lot of women LOVE to trash other women behind their backs, no matter how close they are. In ways I don't hear guys talk about their close friend even when angry at them. In ways that make you want to ask "Why the fuck are you friends if you say things like that about her?"
This. The guys at my job do this and everything is fine. Stay above the nonsense. Husband swears by flirting. For a while his desk was near a group of opinionated middle-aged women. He limited his interaction to flirting. That's harder to do when you're actually working with people and not just in the vicinity, but yeah. They liked him.
Well, then they're just catty cunts at this point. Fuck them. If they have a beef, or didn't get asked to prom, tell them to either get it out --or go pour salt into Tumblr --so you can do your FUCKING JOB. If they're going to be douchebags, throw it back. We are all born, eat, sleep, shit, fuck and die. In between that is how you design yourself as an individual. If they're going to paint you with a broad brushstroke, then maybe THEY need to get laid. Not by you, learn from Kubla. Of course, you can take a more quiet route as suggested by others. Perfectly logical and decent choice, really. Speaking for myself, I for one would rather push their buttons until they are near tears. I relish the opportunity to dismantle an egotistical bully or some spotlight hog trying to pull a power play to look cool in front of everyone. One issue I don't have is being intimidated by women, or a group of them for that matter. You have to out-mouth me, not outnumber me. Good luck with that.