If I remember correctly he said he ended up either selling it or giving it away in order to support his family I believe.
You know what the worst thing about having an infant is? When your wife goes away for the day to do girly stuff, you don't get to drink until you blackout while watching football. Instead you watch football while alternating between playing with your child, feeding it, changing his diaper and snuggling him to sleep. It's fun, but I find myself longing to be able to yell at the tv and pass out face down on the kitchen floor.
Forgot to update. This morning she kept complaining that her ass was feeling tingly. I had to leave the room I was laughing so hard. The icy hot is still on there (I coated it heavily) so when she takes her pre-shower shit with all the steam it should really... uhm... heat up.
Meh, You signed off one for the other. Obviously you did it because you wanted to. The thing is, the times you get to go all-out are far and few so you savour it more. My favourite moment of fatherhood was going Office Space on that cocksucking open-sore of a baby monitor when we were done with it. Blasting our eardrums at 3 am with the screams of the Nazguul. That fucker met the shiney end of a 12 pound mauler. I know it does not make sense to take out anger Inanimate objects but a baby monitor is a living organic presence, possessed by an evil entity that makes people deaf and insane with rage.
This topic is a great reminder that I never want to have children. I can do without Nazguul screams, thanks.
You know, 'Nerds, I seriously wonder how you aren't divorced. All of this pranking is one-sided, right? It's not like a competition/game between you two? I'm not saying you should stop or anything, it just makes me wonder some times. Anyway... Spoiler Spoiler
I think he could've asked for one without first torturing his wife. There are easier ways to go about getting that.
No, she fucks with me too sometimes, but shes horrible at it so it always fails. Like the time she put super glue in my shorts hoping I'd glue my nuts to them, but didn't take into account that it'd dry well before I put them on hours later. The give and take comes into play more where I basically do everything she tells me to do, but I can only take so much and she knows this. So if she's being especially bitchy and/or demanding, a retaliatory prank is coming to straighten her out. We rarely fight with each other, we just get even. Life's too short to get into arguments, so just prank the other person and then talk out the issues while you are both laughing about it.
Know what'd be really funny prank for her and easy to pull off? An icy hot handjob. That would help level the playing field. That or maybe she could cut up some habaneros then go to town