Growing up I hated eggs with a passion. Fried eggs? Yuck. Scrambled eggs? Double yuck. Omelets? Get that shit away from me. It turns out my mom was just a horrible cook. Fried eggs were done when the edges were dark brown and crispy. Scrambled eggs were ready when they were black around the edges. An omelet was nothing more than a couple eggs whipped up and cooked (No filling, no cheese, just eggs) until they were deep brown/black around the edges.
I like eggs, but why anyone would throw one on a burger escapes me. Burgers weren't good enough? Fine add bacon. Still not? Go fuck yourself. Don't ruin it with an egg.
See I like a basic omelette like that a lot, but it does place a premium on your cooking technique. I'm in this boat too. Makes them way too sloppy to easily eat if it's a good egg. Some yolk could be really good just as a spread on the buns though.
You're both wrong and you should feel bad. An over easy egg on a burger is all kinds of goodness. Especially when hung over. Also, a fried egg on a banh mi sandwich is amazing.
No, on a burger. But, a Mother & Child Reunion sandwich? Chicken fried chicken, with an egg on top? DON'T MIND IF I DO. This version adds bacon, because why not. It looks pretty tasty.
Just to chime in it's about 18 or so degrees here, windy with a spot of snow and while I'm cold I'm only going to complain about being a dumbass. I bought a new truck last night and this morning I tried to use the remote start but didn't do it right so it didn't start (I swear its like a video game cheat code) so I went out and started my truck like normal, locked it using the key pad without thinking (just like I would normally do) when it hits me... I don't know the keyless entry code. So that was a quick $75 bucks to get someone to come unlock it. Move along, nothing to see here.