This is Minnesota, the only asians here are grad students who can't speak english and there aren't many of those.
Gawd. Yesterday we dealt with house stuff off/on for about 5 hours. Today we made an offer. I would be drinking my face off, but I think I'm getting sick. Add this house-buying nonsense to the list of Crazy Shit You Can't Fully Appreciate Until You Do It. Right under Losing Your Virginity and Getting Married.
Do women actually wear this shit there?! So ugly. I will take my Florida winter, thanks. I would not be caught dead in that.
Florida winter sure, Florida from April-October is humid as fuck. I'll take cold over that. Can't escape that heavy humidity, I can always layer up out here. On the plus side of either extreme, at least with one I'm not sweaty by the time I get to class. Some women do wear them. Not sure why, seems more like a fashion statement, but I could see it being really warm too. On the downside to cold weather, I got wind burn walking back from class last night because Minnesota
Turns out if your wireless router is about 4 years old, and you buy a new one, your Internet speed increases by about a thousand percent. Now I can finally take full advantage of the fiber connection we paid out the ass for. Amazing what a little $90 router can do.
I'll take the asshole of hell over winter. You don't have to shovel two metric tonnes of heat off your driveway. You don't have filthy salt and sludge roads in heat. Heat doesn't make you involuntarily sail through stop signs or make stupid girls wearing Uggs walk in the middle of the road WEAR WATERPROOF BOOTS, BITCH.
Leave it to Buzzfeed to publish an article that insults live music: ...fucking clueless. If you bitch about people standing up at concerts...YOU ARE THE PROBLEM.
That's because Buzzfeed-aged people are all fucking homebodies and it's cool to think doing everything sucks. I've heard this exact argument in person and its equivalent for other options for going out dozens of times. I noticed this happening when being an introvert was suddenly all trendy a couple years ago. As someone who likes Doing Things, it's ridiculously annoying. At least I'm fine with doing most things on my own, but there's still some stuff I'd rather do with friends - going to bars or parties or out dancing - and trying to find people who are at all interested in all that and then will actually commit to a plan to do them with me is near impossible. I need weekends where I do nothing but sit around at home too, but I miss, you know, living my life and not having every suggestion shot down with the equivalent of "yeah but why would we do that when we can just hang out at my place?" It's all different types of people too. I'm sure the sociological/psychological explanation for why it's a generational thing is really sad, but I'll worry about that later.
There are some legitimate shitty reasons on the list. Being short sucks I'd say 85% of all shows I've been to I was in the venue when the band played but I never "saw" them.
I think it's easy to explain, and it's not so much a generational thing as it is a timing thing. Back in the old, get-off-my-lawn days, the media took time and effort and it was printed out and shipped and was in black and white (in print or on TV), or in the radio, and was delivered to you, not available on demand. It was, for the most part, a very high signal:noise, and not at all real-time. It was like getting a telegram... the message was important, so the cost of delivery weeded out the bullshit and the professionals rose to the top as a result. But now we're all sipping from a fire hose where every fuckwit with an idea is "worthy" of being published, and it's cheap as fuck to push out your thoughts to the masses over free technical infrastructures. There's too much shit to fact-check, we enjoy watching trains derail, and lives have become too busy so we've all become experts based on sound bites. There's also some sort of narcissism baked in there where we're right and everyone else is wrong, because that's how I feel... anti-vaxxers are a prime example of this. And we also have the science of marketing and manipulation at play by hugely funded organizations that have agendas... whether they're mega-corps, or political parties, or individuals, or "news" outlets... all pushing the message they want. And finally, we have the stupidity of the masses buying into it, and whatever most people believe must be right... right? In short... cheap, far-reaching technology, sensationalism, narcissism, scientific manipulation, and stupidity of the masses.
This has been my life lately. The people I used to go out drinking with are all settled into long term relationships where the women only want to nest. I have one friend who can't seem to do anything that costs more than $10 unless he's willing to endure a week-long fight with his wife over it. Another usually has to be home by 9 because his girlfriend wants to go to bed and gets mad if he has fun without her.