They had to cut the locks off the gates to get in to the stadium yesterday because someone lost the keys...
That's all it takes to get into the olympic stadium? A pair of bolt cutters? What could possibly go wrong!
Did something horrible (Entertaining) happen? I just switched back to NBC just in case and they're showing something about people finding meteorites.
I'm good friends with a former USA decathlon medalist (won't mention the year since just that's specific enough)... apparently aside from the main events, they don't actually drug test as much as they say they do. He said back when he competed it was kinda crazy and everywhere, but with the way that the tech for doping is always out-pacing the tech for testing he just assumes everyone who competes now is on drugs and they just haven't been caught yet. Anyone have any thoughts on this? Hell if even half the field I'm watching wasn't on a level playing field I'd be kinda pissed. Either allow steroids or don't, not half-ass it.
Of course everyone dopes. It's been known for years. Wait until you learn about steroids in baseball. This has been common knowledge since the Lance Armstrong debacle.
Well I figured everyone dopes, what caught me off guard though was that they'd police different sports differently. It's a complete case of me being too naive, and I make no excuses. And yeah, the Lance Armstrong thing really sucked for me. I remember watching him as I was recovering from my brain surgery, thinking "if he can do it, then I can do it." I even spent the money to get a road bike and despite -- to this day -- having my balance ability completely shot thanks to surgery in my cerebellum, I used to go on 100+ mile bike rides mere months after my brain surgery thinking "I'm gonna conquer the world just like him" and crap like that. Yeah, well, he got exposed as a fake, but I still put in those miles. And next Tuesday it's going to be 9 years for me since the surgery. And I recovered despite the odds, and his steroid-fueled career inspired me to do so... so yeah, I'm a little torn about him still.
The thing about Armstrong is that he ruined people's lives who spoke out against him. It wasn't enough to just deny the accusations. In his defense, everyone at his level was doping. Which means no one was doping. He has tried his best to make it right since being outed, but sometimes you can't fix really bad shit.
I'm watching the cycling race and a major portion of the course is really rough cobbestone streets. And as soon as the pack of riders hit it, all of their water bottles eject from the bike and litter the streets. And a big chunk of them developed mechanical problems. So now a the pack leaders have no water and their support vehicles are really far behind them. And it's like 90 degrees out.
I don't understand this. The gear doesn't do the work for you. The gear doesn't show up to train every day. The gear doesn't discipline the mind. The gear doesn't take away the pain of training and recovery (though it does help). Does the gear help? Yes. But you have to do the work. It's the same (to me) as hoeing a row using a hoe vs hoeing a row after drinking an energy drink. The red bull isn't doing the work, you still have to put in the effort.
If you have Dish (and the Hopper), you can flip to channel 148 and get all the Olympic coverage channels. 148-10, etc then just jump to your regular NBC for main coverage.
Great start. I'm surprised at the number of people going "hurr durr how is shooting BB guns an olympic sport?", but I don't think they're aware the target they're aiming for is smaller than a pinhead either.