The "not looking sufficiently traumatized" criticism has been used by defense attorneys (I'm trying to find the article I read most recently that cited it but I'm at school and may have to search later) against females who report sexual assault and/or rape. I'm not surprised to see it in rio.
So its come out that they "trashed" a gas station bathroom, and then the security guard pulled a gun on them demanding payment for "damages", and after an exchange, money was given and they left. So deviating from the original story, but still fucking armed robbery. I can only imagine what a gas station bathroom looks like in fucking Rio. Dude saw drunk foreigners, who probably puked in the bathroom, and spotted an easy target. A clusterfuck by everyone involved however. EDIT: Errr, seems like Lochte is just a fucking moron. Even moreso than we already knew.
I'm assuming by you're edit you already know this, but for anyone else they're now saying the four of them peed on the gas station, then broke the door to the bathroom when they were told to use it. The security guard had a gun but says he never took it out. So in short they're just a bunch of morons and Brazil may have taken it to an extreme but can't really argue with trying to protect their image when this has blown up to such a big story.
Not sure if anyone's seen the Irish Boxer that got fucking railroaded... He's not too happy with the decision that came about: His post-fight interview is entertaining, to say the least...
A whole bunch of judges and refs got kicked out of the olympics for obviously bullshit judging of some fights. The IOC is basically as corrupt as FIFA.
So do I understand this correctly that they vandalized someone's business and then went to the police to report it? And they did it right on camera? Goddamn Lochte, even for you that's pretty special. Gee, I'm sorry to have doubted you Brazil. I guess it was the 7000 daily robberies and 'not visibly shaken' parts that threw me off, but when you're betting on the testimony of a retard the odds are not in your favor.
They've now released video:
Apparently they tried to run away, then the armed security guard pulled a gun and got them to sit down until the police arrived, the swimmers offered cash for the damage they did, the gas station owner accepted, and then they were allowed to go on their way. It's looking more and more like the swimmers were being disrespectful douchebags in a foreign country and made a false report to the cops. Based on that video I'm having a hard time feeling sorry for them... and part of me wishes that Lochte didn't make it out of the country.
The video shows nothing of interest. But they are saying 2 different security guards pulled guns, which is aggressive. Its also seemed like it was going to be a misadventure but then Lochte concocted the plan to lie. Its far more likely that Lochte made up his media account than all 3 of the others throwing him under the bus, cause they've come out to say Lochte made the story up.
India has to have the least athletic people on the planet. 1.25 billion people. One medal. A bronze. You have a population equal to the entire western hemisphere and you can't find even a handful of successful athletes?
Brazilian two cents regarding the bouncers pulling their guns out. It is very hard to impose yourself with four olympic swimmers without doing so. Also, if they had just called the police and reported the vandalism without getting the "compensation" their asses would be fired the next day. The reason gas stations employ security is not being able to count in the police's prompt response.
The little piles / trail of poop he leaves on the road, and then the collapse . . . and, the next two closest walkers don't appear to even acknowledge the shit or the unconscious man in their path. Those guys all look fit and in shape and 50K takes a lot of stamina; but, that event will always look hilarious to me. Like
If only he could've ran to the bathroom, maybe he would've made it. Locthe will lose a lot of money off this, I doubt many companies want to be represented by him now. I hope one day he ends up as a parapro at an elementary school or working as a bus driver, something that requires no thought and makes him little to no money.
So in better news, Hassan Mead is running in the 5000m finals on Saturday. He got tangled up and fell in the final 200m on the last lap of the semifinal, disqualifying him, so he protested and the DQ was upheld- until Wednesday. This is especially cool because his high school was in the same conference as mine, and I "raced" against him a couple of times- I say that because he would finish about three minutes ahead of me in the 5k. He set a bunch of records at the University of Minnesota too. One hell of a tough competitor and I wish him the best. There wasn't much coverage on this at all, but skeet shooter Kim Rhode got her sixth consecutive medal. She is the most successful female Olympic shooter of all time. It's an unbelievably tough competition (can hardly see the targets they go so fast) and she makes it look easy.