I've found that attractive women take one of two views of the world: "Wow, everyone treats me so well, it must be because I'm so much better than everyone else" OR "Wow, everyone treats me so well, the world must be full of good people" The first group are nightmares, the second group are incredible sweethearts.
What's more fun, explaining to the first group they are wrong? Or explaining to the second group they are wrong?
The first group. Explaining to the second group is like kicking a puppy. They experience the pain, but they cannot comprehend why.
Serious debate brought on by events of this evening: What's worse? Brain freeze from drinking something too cold or burning your throat from eating too hot?
Hot food. At least you can fix rain freeze while it's in progress. Hot food will take the skin off the roof of your mouth on the way down.
Burning your mouth is worse, hands down. A brain freeze will dissipate in a few minutes. The shredded remains of the roof of your mouth take days to heal. I'm gonna sleep so good tonight. I just worked a stretch of days in a row, I didn't sleep well last night bc our tornado sirens got hacked and were on for 2 hours, and I just ate dinner. The lids are heavy.
Ha! Remember that show, Sons of Guns? It was a "reality" show about the "gunsmith" in Baton Rouge that went off the air rather suddenly under weird circumstances when it was discovered that it was his (ex) employee who had the armorer's license, not him, and then he was charged with a couple of sex crimes? Turns out he was found guilty will now be sentenced to mandatory life in prison. http://www.theadvocate.com/baton_rouge/news/courts/article_a93d7a6a-1bad-11e7-8c58-9b96239d3134.html Sucks to be him.
I remember that story surfacing back when the show was cancelled. I forgot about the part where he tried to bang his own daughter though. He won't last long behind bars. Unless he joins some aryan group. But even they might not want him.
I was in Denver when his store got raided. It was all over the news. Never try to think you're smarter than the IRS, unless you have accountants who are and enough money to get off-shore bank accounts. The Suns of Guns guy had a creepy vibe when the show was on and now I know why, he's sociopath and pedophile
The IRS is one of the most powerful investigative bodies in the country, don't go up against them and it's insane to try. On the flip side, I like how focused they are. They will ignore all your other criminal activities, lack of legal status, and whatever else, so long as you pay taxes due. Run a vast drug dealing empire? They'll step over the bodies of your rivals and accept a drink from your coke whores as long as you're accurately expensing your ammo.
I watched the Tiny Rick episode of Rick and Morty and I'm now listening to Elliot Smith on loop. Who else wants to get raw tonight?
Just spent the weekend in Tulsa, OK. And our hosts wanted us to come to church with them. "Sure," I thought, "I grew up Catholic, whats the big deal?" Holy crap. We went to some non-denominational Christian thing, that doesnt have its own building but uses a community theater. Most of the experience was a Christian rock group playing their jams while people waved their hands in the air and cried because of Jesus. Then the preacher (?) told everyone that other Christian churches are "toxic" and theirs, that just started 2 years ago mind you, is the way to salvation. Also, even though we were guests, we were encouraged to "tithe" which is something I was not at all familiar with and had to look up. Plus we were also encouraged to attend a ministry training to start a sister church up here.