I think my 'add 3-5x the original guessed time' for fixing my car has come true once again. Ive got one control arm replaced and need to finish the second later tonight, or tomorrow, or Monday.
Any of you people that live in the tundra know what's wrong with this thing? We get a fire going and it makes the house reek of burning plastic. It was so bad on Christmas that we had to open all the doors and windows to air out the house. Also, there isn't anyway to adjust the air flow. Doing some online research and it should have a slide damper on the front but there isn't one. I've been closing the door but not latching it until the fire is really going and then I'll latch it which tames the fire down to just glowing embers. TIA edit - when we bought the house, the inspector noticed a crack in the fire box so they had a chimney company come seal the crack with some sort of high heat epoxy specifically designed for that.
Sometimes you just have to burn it hot and long enough for the smell to stop. Those two star things along the front/bottom look like screw dampers. If you turn them counterclockwise they may open. Failing that, look from the inside for vents, then figure out where the source would come from.
The smell could also be creasote which can cause a chimney fire. Either burn it out and hope the place doesn’t burn down, or have the chimney cleaned out.
Holy shit! I just assumed they were decorative since they didn't seem to turn but I really cranked on one, a bunch of ash came out and they turn now! I knew a Canadian would know! HA!
Based on your rep that it was cleaned, they probably painted stuff to make it look better. The smell is probably shitty paint burning off (especially if they didn’t use high heat paint). Crank it up full bore and melt that fucker until it doesn’t stink any more. You’ll only have to do it once. Be sure the smell isn’t coming from trim or caulking or something else that may be up beside the stack or something. Also be sure it’s not vapour barrier or something from inside the wall where the stack vents. In short, be sure the thermal break between the flue gases and the house construction is in place and proper
Ok, on a warmer day (it's only supposed to be 59* today) I'll crank it up and open all the windows. This site and such a wealth of knowledge. Thanks again!
Actually, it turns out it’s -19 right now. No wonder I got weird looks for going to the Home Depot in shorts. Gotta love having a very well heated, well insulated shop.
I skied at Sunday River today. It was fucking cold. 2 degrees with -8 windchill. Tomorrow the high will be -5 with a wind chill of -25 to -30. I may skip the mountain tomorrow.
As I get older I realize that it’s becoming more and more about the apres skiing than the actual skiing.
For sure. The Killington/Stratton and Utah ski communities are definitely that way. I got new gear this year so I was pumped to get out there.
It was something like 66 degrees here today. Brrrrrrr Another degree or two colder and I may have to wear my big gay sweater.