But surely you’re gong to want to bury the placenta in the back yard and plant a tree over it, right?
Cutting the cord is no big deal. I found that time sped up so quickly that the whole evening, including the cord cutting was a blur. Just make sure when they give you the scissors, you really bear down on the handles because that sucker is pretty rubbery. Separately, the real bonding experience is the latter stage of labor when you play tug of war with your wife using a towel to help her push......especially when you are standing at the foot of the gurney looking at the babies head crowning while pulling on the towel. Enjoy!
It is snowing in south Texas. We have an inch on the ground so far, and it looks like we'll see 4+ by the time this is over. This, in a city where if it gets below freezing half a dozen times during the winter we've had a rough one. I went grocery shopping and people were stocking up on bottled water and canned goods. Then in the parking lot one car t-boned another because the dude was looking at the sky instead of where he was going. People are idiots.
In North Carolina people buy bread and milk, then eggs. Stores sell out almost instantly. As a former Michigan resident I always find it hilarious.
I had a friend just come in from Atlanta who told me folks there are stocking up on bread and milk in anticipation of incoming winter weather. They've got their priorities all screwed up. I've driven 20 miles in a white out blizzard for beer...you know, something important.
This is shitty, shitty news. I have to work in ambient temperatures, and my hands get numb and cramp up in the cold. Li'l Bandit's school sent me a text saying that he's going in later than usual (9:50 AM) because of this. The last time it snowed down here was Christmas Eve of 2004, and I had a wonderful time, up until I spun out my truck on a patch of ice, lodged it against a fence, and had to walk home in the snow. Fuck that shit. All of you Canadians and all of you mid-Westerners are insane. Insane, I tell you.
I’ve done the same, I don’t know what people’s fascination with french toast is down here, that’s all you can make with bread, milk and eggs.
I fucking love the snow, and can't wait until it comes dumping down. One of my favourite pictures of my old Jeep:
DID you guys know you get one (1) entire Taylor Swift concert ticket with mediocre seating all for the low price of $240? 22 years ago I saw Radiohead play in Nett’s favourite dive bar here in town for $15. WHY are they trying to kill live music with greed?
Because that's the only revenue stream any more (live shows and merch), and people are willing to pay it.
All I can say is thank god that bars like Horseshoe Tavern, Call The Office, The Roxy. You can still see good bands there on a single paycheque. And the people are fun at places like that. Not screaming lunatics.
No but it was incredibly beautiful. The infrastructure in Texas is seriously not designed to handle freezing conditions. We heard at least half a dozen transformers go. In traveling the 15 miles to the dinner, we also at least a dozen vehicles that had skidded off the side of the road, saw one accident, and heard another (which incidentally hit a telephone pole and knocked out another transformer). A part of me thinks this kinda stuff is good once in a while - takes the idiots out of the gene pool in like a 24 hour sweep. I almost wish it'd happen more often.