This is going to sound weird and I'm a little embarrassed by it. I was raised in a fundamentalist household by three women who abhorred violence. What I know about football, I taught myself. I have played two-hand touch but never tackle. I thoroughly enjoy the game, the intricacies of routes, passing, etc. The body and ball control as well as everything from tackling to aversion. I find it fascinating to watch humans who do things that even with a shitload of training, I could never do. While I know the basic rules from watching and the commentators basically educating me, I don't know the game as well as I'd like. I could google this but I thought I'd come here first since you fuckers are so batshit crazy about the game and ask you - How best to educate myself so that I'm not just following players but a team and can understand their mentality when formulating plays, etc.
You'll have to excuse us all. We're in mourning and facing a 6 month drought. Things are bleak right now. I don't know where there would be a lot of info on how teams formulate various plays. It all depends on so many factors. Who makes up the coaching staff would be one of the bigger factors though. How you'd follow that and gain the info you want though, I have no idea.
Just watch games. Watch youtube highlights of anything you find interesting. Trick plays, big hits, long passes, kickoff returns, best safeties, best QBs, [team name here] highlights... any search term you can think of, youtube has highlight reels of it. Football is an extremely visually exciting medium. Go down that youtube rabbit hole. Not only will it be helpful, it'll be fun as hell in the process! I also read Monday Morning Quarterback. Daily updates, in-depth reporting, great long-form journalism. I'm a big fan of it, and it adds to my enjoyment of the game. I started like you did (I know, weird in Texas huh?), my family just wasn't that into football. I taught myself over the years once I got interested in it as a spectator sport in my late teens/early 20s. Youtube is your friend. MMQB is your friend. Watching games are your friend. Plus, football goes great with beer and food. Where is the problem in any of that?
Watch all the Cleveland Browns games from last year. The opposite of everything they did is a good idea.
Honestly, I didn't get into football until my early 20s, just didn't really understand it. You know what taught me the most about play formulation, strategy, etc? Madden. Play Madden on your platform of choice. Learning how to pick the correct plays for situations, seeing how they are drawn up, learning defensive schemes, and just generally having some control of what happens on the field. Doing a thing is often the best way to learn it's intricacies, and since you're not gonna be playing at a professional level, pretending to is a decent substitute.
Do not believe what you are watching with the NFL is football. Go out and follow your local high school team or community college teams and you will see and learn more on what does and does not work in football. You will see how superior coaching and teamwork can allow a lessor talented team to win games they should not. You will also see teams that are so talented that no bad coaching can cause a loss. I prefer that level of game as it reminds me that just catching a football is not an easy thing to do.