Once my leg heals I've decided I'm going to build a large slip n slide going down the large hill into our fishing creek (which is like 20 ft deep 5 feet from shore). If we don't go fast enough we can always hold onto a rope attached to a UTV on the other shore and pull each other with that. I'm sure this won't end with my getting injured again or anything.
We watched the new Bettet Call Saul last night. It's a solid spinoff from Breaking Bad. It is slow building though. Breaking Bad was too but I just don't see this one getting as dark as BB.
I think it will start heading down that path. The return of (redacted) is awesome. It's different than Breaking Bad and I like it, but still feels similar in a way. I'm interested to see where the flash forwards of Jimmy after the events of Breaking Bad go.
It is very interesting to see the character development of Jimmy. You don't get all that background on BB. Jimmy was probably the only lawyer sleazy enough to be involved with Walter White but the other flip of the coin is...well, now we are seeing all the details on that other side of the coin. It is a very enjoyable watch.
Ever since my cat got badly beaten up by a local feral cat, I've been setting out the live trap to try and catch the culprit. Success. Took him to the local animal control that was just a few blocks away, and was greeted by an animal tech who asked, "are you sure it's feral?" "It's one of two that are terrorizing the area." "It doesn't appear to be that feral... let me take it back into the exam room and look for a chip." About 10 minutes later she came back to the front desk with my trap/cage, and said, "Oh, yes, it is very, very feral." Right then an announcement came on over the PA: "Warning, feral cat is loose in the building, please be sure to lock down all areas". With that I took my trap and left, and am now going after the other one.
Every time somebody makes a Gattaca joke, all I can think about is the episode of "The League" with Rafi.
When I think of the League all I cnlan think about is the guy who lied about being a direct victim of 9/11. (also watched his comeback attempt at standup. I was covering my face with my hands it was so cringeworthy) Rafi is a great character but he must be used sparingly, like Creed on the Office. They don't hold up well to episodes featuring them, it's just too ridiculous.
Oh boy, the Westboro Baptist Church is in town protesting at local schools over....something. I thought they'd just gone away. Guess we couldn't be that lucky.
Pretty sure that's part of the joke - that Rafi wasn't shouting the correct thing - and why Taco(?) said something like "have you seen that movie? Because I don't think that's what you mean." I can't remember, it's been awhile since I saw that episode.