Linda Brown, of Brown v. Board of Education fame. I've always wondered if they would have chosen her case to challenge those laws, if her last name was White.
I heard him last year being interviewed by Adam Carolla... and it was fucking hilarious. He owned a whore house in Okinawa somewhere... he just gave no fucks.
When you steal an entire Stanley Kubrick movie after being originally hired as a consultant, you know you are something special. Ermey was great in many films, but unforgettable because of Full Metal Jacket. Playing himself, using the motivation he used as a real-life D.I.....he created the greatest opening film dialogue of all time.
I don't know why racing in here to post in this thread first is the most exciting part of my day..... I saw her once in person while she was first lady when my family to a trip DC when I was a kid. Seemed like a very classy woman and I don't remember her ever catching shit in the media for anything. She was also one of those people, like my grandma, that you only new as an old lady. Like she could looked like a grandma her entire life. It's sad to say I almost look forward to the retrospects on her life filling the short news cycle for a while to distract from the constant overflow of media madness these days. My guess is Bush Sr. won't be far behind.