When a musician dies at 28 you usually assume a drug overdose, but it sounds like he'd been battling health problems for a few years now.
Yeah, he'd already had a few organs removed due to excessive drinking, and even "retired" early due to bad health as a result of his drinking.
If you've done drugs while music was playing any time in the last seven years, chances are you were doing it to his music.
Or stole it. In the case of “Wake Me Up” that was the fourth biggest song of its year, it was written, recorded and sung by Aloe Blacc. Avicii added a dance beat to it, but his HIS NAME ONLY on the “single” (it was a remix) and it sold over 100 million singles. Blacc was paid a whopping $4000 for his trouble of being the song’s entire creative force. Yes the music industry sucks.
The man in the white suit. There was a writer who knew how to paint a vivid portrait of a scene. I mean, you’d think nobody could be more cumbersome in description than HP Lovecraft but Wolfe didn’t miss any detail. Shame the film version of Bonfire Of The Vanities was such an unwatchable bomb-de-la-bomb.
It’s not what I would call a classic film, but a very good one (there’s something aloof about the filmmaking) with a peerless cast. Sam Sheppard makes a badass Chuck Yeager.