Not quite yet, but Charles Krauthammer will be going soon. Probably the greatest conservative political commentator since Buckley. I used to look forward to reading his Friday columns in the Post. Too bad.
A cop buddy of mine said sucides are mainly in affluent neighborhoods. Is there a correlation between money and depression? Intelligence is directly correlated to alcohol/drug abuse and depression/anxiety.
I'd probably agree with that. One of my roommates said today that Bourdain and Spade's suicides didn't make any sense because they both had money. Yes, because having money means you don't have any other problems. I hate simpletons.
Money does help solves issues that a lot of people are depressed and anxious about, see bills. It certainly doesn’t cure depression though. The first person I knew who took his own life was the owner of a restaurant I worked at. He was in his mid 30s and owned multiple super profitable restaurants.
Question: how do they determine if a drug overdose is a suicide or not? Is it ever considered a suicide outside of the “Whole Bottle o’ Pills” method? To my knowledge both suicides and overdoses are both high in posh areas due to plentiful opiates, deep pockets and thorough disconnect. Interesting article. I appreciate how it directly links happiness to income because deny it all we want, we know they’re connected. It’s how we constructed it over time.
Let's try to keep this thread on track with the title not a running dialogue please. The thread was split off to discuss, go there.
Charles Krauthammer My favorite political commentator and respected on both sides of the isle. In a sea of nonsense, he had a clear voice.
Even if you didn't agree with his political positions, what all he accomplished after becoming paralyzed in college is quite remarkable and inspirational.