Ok so I just woke up. Is weed stronger these days than say 10-12 years ago? I remember being a prolific smoker back in the day and was fine after many, many hits. I smoked maybe 4-5 puffs off my vape thing and was GONE. Just on a different level. Is it me?
I’ve slept on the floor under a table in a double wide. But they had two boats, so they were classy, and got offended when you pointed out that they lived in a glorified trailer.
no dude, the stuff out 10 years ago was waaay less potent, plus if you've taken a bunch of time off, you're probably gone back to "1st time smoker" tolerance. this is honestly why I usually abstain; I don't do it with enough regularity to know the difference between "Feeling good" and "laying on the carpet in desperation". I'd like to find some strain thats super light and only lasts like 2 hours max. Whatever, call it "Bitch-boys Delight", I'd still buy it.
Isnt the vape pen weed concentrated thc? My brother does the dab shit which is crack smoking weed grease. Ive smoked, like 3 puffs, maybe 5 times in the past 10-12 years. I took a California purchased 25g weed edible before a Primus show a few months back was presently surprised when it was just right amount. Most of my smoking was in high school and we had the hook with a northern lights/purple haze strain that I can't imagine has been lapped that much by newer strains. The concentrates and waxes are just silly.
Dabs will bring a veteran smoker to his knees. I usually go thru a couple bowls in an evening and one draw of dabs laid me out for the night.
No mine burns real weed. Not that concentrate stuff. You put your ground up stuff in there and it burns it at a set temp usually around 400 degrees. It hits pretty hard but not like a bubbler or anything. Anyhow, it fucked me up hard.
I was just out of commission for a solid 3 hours. It wasn’t even that much fun. It used to mean a mandatory trip baskin robbins. Now I just held onto to couch to keep from flying.
I think dabs are dumb, a waste of something that could be spread out far more intelligently and economically. ....besides, who needs to be THAT motherfucking high? I’ve never had the urge to ricochet of the walls of my hallway and then become fascinated with individual carpet fibres for two straight hours. That’s what acid is for and I need music and no kid around for that. Unless you have something like liver cancer or heart disease, don’t mess with this shit.
Whats back in the day considered now? I also posit the theory that the average strength has gone up more because of the proliferation of potent strains over the middies, beasters, and Mexican dirt weed that used to make up the vast majority of the market, than potent strains being made that much more potent.
Enter the vaporizer. The dry bud ones (as shown above) are a marvellous invention. I’m into edibles more now. My friend doesn’t dare share mine with me because last time he spent three hours laughing at his shoes. I like looooooaded edibles.
The drinks are where it’s at. I love the world when I smash one of those drinks. Also. My son’s girlfriend gave Bowie a Gucci shirt for Christmas and i dont know but im not sending him to preschool in it.
The highest Ive ever been was a random weed cookie I bought at Bonnaroo, notorious for half assed edibles by scamming hippies. Shit blasted me through the moon. I accidentally stepped on some dudes face leaving the late night show and laughed uncontrollably for 5 straight hours. Hearing about the insane strength they make them now. Gummi bears that are hundreds of milligrams a piece. Im out on that.
My old dealer made me a batch of brownies with 2 oz of shake. Talk about a weed hangover. There is too much of a good thing and it’ll give you a headache for 6 hours.
A guy in my local small town bar just described a woman's abnormally large nipples using the stump of his severed middle finger. Things like this remind me of why I love it here.
You have to be very careful what you’re trying, now more than ever. There is no playful “machismo” to edibles like there is when it comes to drinking alcohol: power-drinking Power Hours, shot contests, doing push-ups in between funnels, we’ve all been there or similar... but an edible eating contest? No, no, no, no, no. There will NONE of that, son. Your end result in such a contest is a bunch of Princess Bride-style “mostly dead” people and nothing else.