Well if that wasn't a disaster I don't know what is! Fucking inbred in-laws. We spent over $2k on their only wedding shower and they left after less than 2 hours to go to a bar. They wanted pizza and wings for their shower (that should give you a clue what kinda people I'm dealing with). I'm both pissed off, and thoroughly disappointed. Based upon their behavior in our house, I am considering not being the officiant for their wedding. Just let them deal with finding someone in a hurry. Fortunately, my mother in law and father in law are as pissed as I am. Ignorance is one thing. Disrespect is another. At least, we have cases of beer and about 12 bottles of wine left over. Fucking cunt hole pieces of fucking shit.
Meh, don't let it get to you. You've just learned a very important lesson about them (and the MIL and FIL) that will stand you in good stead for years to come... you learned it early, which is a good thing.
Crue is an interesting band. Mick is a +1 bar band guitarist, nothing special but he covers his shit. Nikki is a sub par bassist, but a great performer and song writer. Tommy Lee is a great drummer and performer. Vince...he's a dip shit with a unique voice that Nikki writes melodies that work with his voice. Put it all together, it works.
Yeah, they were cool with me being atheist until their families got involved. My in laws are cool with it. Time to watch the world burn.
I don't know how someone hasn't been killed at our work(container port)what drugs do you want, there is someone high on them. I am just scared the first person to die will be me.
Now that I’m not (as) drunk and furious... Their default position is to have my back even when it’s against their family. I’ve known them and my wife for over a decade and though years don’t count for much, experiences do. I wish everyone could have this kind of relationship with their MIL and FIL..... that being said, the rest of her family are a bunch of inbred redneck crazies. And, as I learned last night, also disrespectful as fuck all. Fortunately the ones with money swing the biggest dick, and my grandmother in law (who’s husband just died, I got a tattoo for him because we were so close... think I posted about it on here).... she’s about to swing her financial dick now. So I just sit back with beer and popcorn.
Last day of vacation, and I'll probably spend it indoors reading since the weather continues to suck ass. Unless one likes wallowing in mud that is.
So what happened? They came to a party you threw them and then left because they didn’t like the food?
They came to their only wedding shower, which we did for them (along with both of their parents being involved) at our house and at great expense. Everyone left in under 2 hours to go to a bar. Never mind hundreds of dollars in food they requested and I don’t even wanna think about how much in booze. My father in law and I raided the ice chests for beer after all of it and we’re both stocked for weeks now. Nothing scarier than an old guy who doesn’t talk much and is angry.
So wait a minute. They had a joint wedding shower? And I’m assuming that this being a shower, they were showered with gifts and they still bounced along with all the guests? What a couple of pricks.
Oh, so the fuck what? I’ve ditched friends I’ve known a lot longer than ten years who always “had my back”, because eventually I came to the stirring realization that they are a selfish and rotten human being. A decade isn’t a long time to be friends with somebody. Ditch the toxic turds, guaran-fucking-TEED they will use you again and again. Unless the next thing out of their mouth is an apology, you should be telling them to go fuck themselves in all-caps.
Yes. Again, roughly $2000 was spent on this, never mind my wife's and my time (maybe 20 hours each) getting it all ready. Never mind that we had to get a babysitter because the bride wanted it to be at our house (her mother, whom we've never met, without asking brought us cash for the babysitter).
Sorry dude. Also, is there anything gayer than a Jack-and-Jill? Show me a guy that is excited about a Jack-and-Jill and I’ll show you either a gay guy or a guy whose wife does not trust him to have his own bachelor party.
The irony. Their idea behind combining the two was so that they could have one big party instead of two smaller ones (money and all). These are the two people I'm about to marry in a few months. I'm *this* close to backing out, but what's stopping me is I don't wanna sink to their level.
Well that’s your fault, you should have had beer and wings. Don’t you care about their happiness? Selfish asshole.
Three types of wings. Guess how much they ate? I'll give you a hint: it rhymes with "done" At least I have a shit ton of food for the games today. My father in law and I stocked our beer fridges off them last night. The groom (brother in law) had the nerve to ask if he could take some beer with him as he left. His dad told him "fuck off" and that was that.
We had to go to one because the groom didn’t have a lot of friends in the country. It was lame as fuck. $200 per person for pasta made me see red the whole night.
Yeah I made the smart decision (occasionally I'm smart) by flat telling them that I wouldn't do bbq for their party. They wanted me to do smoked wings. I said I'd do smoked chicken drumsticks but that was it. Of course they didn't want that, so the food costs were split between us, my mother in law, my grandmother in law, and the fiance's mother whom I've never met until last night and has a major xanax addiction threw some money in when she arrived. Nothing says "you did a good job" like a druggie giving you cash.
I said I would officiate it. My word is my word. That being said, even before I was the officiant, I made it well known that I didn't think they would last. My father in law and I have an over/under bet on 5 years (again, this is about his son): If they divorce under 5 years, he buys me a bottle of scotch and we drink it together. He wins if they last over 5 years so I buy. Then if they last over 8 years, we both buy a bottle and drink the bottles fast because fuck he made a mistake and that's the only way to make the pain go temporarily away. **edit to add* I do feel it's completely appropriate that I officiate a shitshow of a wedding.