After my experience where I had to pull out my gun, I think it was about 4-5 months ago? I’ve decided just to keep a list on me (on my phone) of local food banks and homeless shelters and the like. Sorry, can’t give you money, but I can give you directions to people who can help you. Take it or leave it. I donate when and where I can. But I learned the hard way, potentially disastrous way, that the few who genuinely need help are far outnumbered by those who are looking to rob and/or feed their addiction. My advice would be to offer help, not money. If they don’t take the help, they’re just in it for the money.
I know that in my head, but not in my heart. I'm a very jaded person, but I still want to believe in the basic goodness of people. I'm constantly bombarded with news stories of people and their shitty behavior and it breaks my heart. I like to think that giving a few bucks here and there to someone down on their luck helps in the big picture, but every time I do they completely disappoint me. I won't keep trying to help, but fuck me running is it difficult to not just scream at them "Go fuck yourself" at anyone asking for help. That's what I want to do, but that's not who I am.
We've never had a lot of panhandlers here, but it's become a more common site the last couple years. I used to think about grabbing a burger for the guy who stood out there with a sign "Will work for food" until I saw him parking a nice car out behind the gas station, grabbing his sign, and going to his spot. There's more than ample social services and free food handouts here, especially for someone who has transportation. Fuck him.
Yep, and I avoid them. We have a wealth of awesome breweries here in our area and for a while it seemed like they were all going apeshit with the hops and ABV. And a lot of them tasted like shit to me, especially the IPA's. There's been very few IPA's I've liked, and one was a home-brew. I don't want to get drunk, I want to enjoy them and not worry about falling off the barstool after 2 pints. I stick with the ales and occasionally a stout, but not often as they sit too heavy for me anymore. If someplace doesn't have something local I like, Sam Adams seasonals are my go to now.
A lot of the smaller breweries go with IPAs and the like because going heavy with the hops is an easier way to cover for inconsistencies in their brewing. There is a pretty decent chance that the driver of the nice car is his drug dealer.
I thought we hit peak hoppy IPAs a few years ago? Local breweries have swung back to more balanced beers around here. It did seems like an arms race for a while. I still hate IPAs for this reason. Maybe the market's just to flooded, most craft places make two dozen offerings each, nothing seems to stand out for me anymore. I think Ive had one beer, a a fruity sour I think, that was actually a cut above the rest I actually went out of my way to ask for and recommend in the past 2-3 years. (Undercover Martian by Platform for those in Ohio).
There's a local place, the kind that does goat cheese and arugula burgers and where you don't tip the waiters, that does a fantastic porter and a great blonde. But with how heavy beers are now, I just can't have more than one or two at dinner without feeling full. I used to think sam adams was heavy, but now that's my go-to during the colder months. Shiner and modelo especial during the summer.
yeah, remember 10 years ago when craft breweries were adding pounds of hops and basically serving edible Pine-Sol? With the advent of new hop strains, and yeast, most beers these days are much more flavor forward, and actually drinkable. I want to shit on the Haze-craze of the past few years, but It's probably gotten more people into craft beer than ever. I also 2nd the tactic of walking into a new brewery and asking for their lightest beer 1st. If that's done well, you're almost assured everything else is pretty good too. If their board of brews is nothing but IPAs @ 8% abv and higher, or Stouts, there's a good chance they're covering off flavors
And a great way of judging a bartender is to order a mojito. If they can't do that right, then I stick to ordering beer.
One of my wive’s friends just went thru a divorce. Come to find out, she had been having an affair which lead to said divorce. I don’t know the whole story but from what I’ve gathered, I’m not a fan of hers now. My ex wife cheated on me which led to our divorce as well. If you’re not happy, get out. But don’t have an affair before doing so. Maybe I’m old fashioned or over the top, but I don’t like my wife’s friend simply for that fact. I don’t trust her and I feel like women try to get their friends to adjust their social lives to justify actions such as cheating.
It tells you about her character, and all it takes is one thing to kill it. If I knew a guy who was the best bar friend ever but I found out that he kicked his dog when he got home after the bar, same deal. I can be totally into a chick but if it turns out she's a smoker, immediate shut down, no longer interested, at all. You're normal, dude.
My boss told me a story about losing a great job offer because he couldn’t validate everything he padded his resume with and it killed all the respect I had for him. He repeated that everyone does it but i disagree.
@wexton I'm a little anxious by nature and the tension was killing me. I kept getting up to pace or get a snack. The ending was great and fit the tone of the movie. Definite Twilight Zone vibes.
I mean I’d never put something on I’d never had experience in but say some cost saving measures I really implemented saved x amount, it could become any amount within reason. Particularly if you’re moving industries or, like most jobs these days, your old company doesn’t offer references as a matter of policy and will only confirmed you worked there between such and such dates. It’s hard out there, I went a year and change out of work. Two dozen plus in person interviews, double that in phoners, half of all of those I was never even recontacted by HR to let me know I wasn’t selected. Shit gets depressing. I get the urge to pad or embellish.
I guess I get it, it is hard. He was claiming to have degrees he didn’t have, considering the experience he had to be enough. I would have a hard time with it, probably based on fear of getting called out.
my dog is so smart sometimes other times not. wife just got from walking the dog and she was so excited. why? because a wolf followed them for a bit and she wanted to play.
It’s excellent. A great testament to how strong our intelligence is while the same time how pathetic and weak our mind is once emotions are added to it.