JMV enjoyed the 70s in a top flight way, but, to be honest, I had NO idea that he was still alive and drinking away here in this century. I mean....until last week, apparently.
Oh man... Charlie Whiting died. If you follow F1 at all, you should know who is is.
Yup. Some people do their best work young. Spielberg was 19 when he directed “Duel”. Boyz N Tha Hood is a true American Classic now. It served as both an original concept AND a wake-up call to many. Sure it’s a bit corny and melodramatic now, but a powerful movie nonethelessless.
Man... it's sad to see him go. He was such a nice guy and really reached out to the fan base. That being said, I'm really surprised that he actually made it as long as he did... it's not often you see big/tall guys like that make it to their seventies.
I met the actor who played Vader, David Prowse, at a Comicon a few years back. He couldn’t stand without assistance, in braces in wheelchair. All I’m thinking is “Dude, you do NOT need to meet fans anymore.” He looked like he was in agony, not happy at all. And he was five, six inches shorter than the actor who played Chewy. I’m amazed Shaq is still alive. You can’t be a stegosaurus with a human-sized heart forever.
Damn... that sucks. Not only was he a fantastic driver in his day, but he was entertaining as hell as non-executive chairman of Mercedes. Always had a great sound bite to offer up in an interview.