Certain supplements I believe are crucial to healthier living, yet of course there will be no clinical trials done because there’s no money in it. Turmeric’s anti inflammatory properties really peaked my interest. If it didn’t stain everything and taste like curry, I’d consume it religiously.
Yes, supplements are a very grey area. Don't go crazy if you do them and make sure what you're buying is the real thing.
We eat quite a bit of curry but mostly the thai kind. I wanted to take advantage of the whole turmeric anti inflammatory thing too since I get relief from RX anti inflammatory meds. I was making these things called turmeric bombs. I can't remember how much I paid but bought 6.5% high curcumin turmeric in bulk on Amazon for not much $. Make sure your recipe has black pepper and quercetin for the most absorption. I was making them for awhile and kept them in the fridge. They are firm at fridge temps and you take like a pill.
I use collagen. I put it in my bone broth. I can tell a difference in the surface texture of my skin when I use it.
It’s nutrient dense and generally easier to consume when I’m working than shoving food in my mouth while toner is processing.
Tell me this wouldn't be an awesome house to restore: It's $59K. It's also in the most violent zip code in St Louis, the most violent city in the country. I'd buy the place right now, but the whole violence thing is a bit unsettling. This house does need to be saved though.
Ok, now that I blocked out the number, here's something Dad and I saw yesterday when I stopped for gas:
If you go on a reservation here, you’ll find smoke shops with full food concession, weed, gas, and pit bull puppies for sale all in one sitting. Get your car washed while u wait! Mom and dad of said puppies roam around freely the parking lot, scaring the fuck out of any first-time visitors. it’s a great place to go and see what capitalism looks like when there’s absolutely zero red tape involved. Always a cool place.
My Dad used to fly those as a water bomber back in the day, and that’s why my cat is named Canso. Very skilled flying there in that video. Crazy.
First time I watched it, the plane was so low I thought it ran onto the ground as It moved over land. Do they throttle up to account for the drag of the water, or do they just let that slow them down? And wouldn't dealing with thermals off the fire and the winds they produce be a PITA? Or is this more like a routine at this point for those pilots?
The inlet is crazy small... like 6x12" or so, so doesn't cause that much drag. Like, this is a pic of the scoop:
Hell yeah, Team Canada comes back to win Gold against the Russians: https://www.tsn.ca/canada-comes-back-to-beat-russia-win-gold-at-world-juniors-1.1422787
Holy Shit did Ricky Gervais kill it with his Golden Globes opening speech: https://twitter.com/bennyjohnson/status/1214003226938351617