Hate to say it, but the Patriots got robbed of at least tieing that game. I will bet money the no challenge rule gets changed after that. Happy for the outcome, but the officiating was an absolute joke.
are you referring to that game specifically or the entire season? my wife asked who I was rooting for because I like both teams (except Brady, he can suck a dick, which he probably does anyway). I said I’m just watching for the entertainment with the officials because they’re gonna fuck it up somehow. And sure enough they did.
Boger consistently has one of the worst officiating crews in the NFL. I have no clue how he still has a job. That said I'm not exactly sad for the Patriots.
So question: now that the patriots have been exposed (for the second time) as cheaters, does this completely invalidate their dynasty or just their teams from the 2007 season until now?
No, but I'm sure I'll hear about it forever. By my count this is the third cheating scandal though. None of them are anywhere near serious enough to talk about stripping titles.
No this isn't the NCAA. They'll get a slap on the wrist then goodell will go back to giving kraft blowies in the janitor's closet.
Josh Gordon suspended indefinitely. This is just sad. No amount of money, fame, talent or having "the right people around you" can overcome the disease of addiction. I suspect this will be the end of his NFL career. Unfortunately due to league rules the Seahawks are barred from talking with him during his suspension and that might be just the support he needs right now.
Yeah, this is horseshit. While I recognize that there is an employee/employer relationship, it's a little different when you're a player on a professional sports team. I think that so many of the league's problems would go away and in the long term, they'd make more money, if they treated players like human beings instead of commodities. Taking the biggest structure away from Josh Gordon isn't going to make him stop doing what he's doing.
They're running a business, not a fucking daycare center. Since when is it an employer's responibility to solve all of their employee's off hours problems? It's not. Goddamn am I sick of people trying to find someone else to blame instead of the people who fucked up in the first place. It's as if they think no one graduates from their diapers until they're in their 50s. By the way, the NFL has way, way more support systems in place for their players than you or I will ever receive from an employer. Also, I'm not sure Josh Gordon was so much of an addict as he was just an all around fuck up. If he's an addict there must not be very much he isn't addicted to because I seem to remember there was a lot of different substances rather than one repeatedly being the problem.
Oh Jesus Christ. That's the best take I've ever heard. He can't be an addict because he didn't pick one drug and stick with it. Amazing.
Do you consider people who smoke marijuana drug addicts? That's the one he failed for (this time). I guess you could say he's an addict in the sense that he's one of those people who need something to alter his mental state. Granted, my lack of sympathy towards him is partially colored because in addition to his drug problems he had to be taken to court before he would acknowledge he was the father of his daughter, has a felony for credit card theft, a history of armed robbery and stealing cars, got expelled from multiple schools growing up, and more other problems than I can count. He's a life long fuck up.
This is going to sound odd, but this is the most entertaining season as a Dolphin fan that I've had in years. Suck it Patriots! I love Fitzpatrick, the guy gives zero fucks and has way too much confidence.
Is it going to feel weird watching another AFC team in the super bowl? Y'all had a good run, had to end sometime.