Little Leaguers wear helmets with chin straps. So, they wouldn't have tripped over their own fucking helmet, like Aroz did. Swanson and Acuña are always losing their helmets like that. I hate it.
Always nice when you get reminded that Major Leaguers are human and can make mistakes. It is even better if it results in a Dodger loss.
That too bothers me in ANY sport, hockey above all of them. Assholes like Mike Ricci would wear a helmet too big for his head so he could fake being hit/injured worse than it appeared. ANNOYING.
The Dodgers were fat and away the best team of this year, Start to finish. They probably stood a good chance of winning a full season, it was only a matter of time before they won at least one. A good World Series.
Haha, Justin Turner was pulled from the game because of a positive Covid test, and then was out on the field for celebrations and pictures. "Season's over! Fuck it."
Doesn’t it seem kinda fishy that he was pulled so late? Did they know he was very likely gonna test positive, so they tried to delay his test?
My understanding is that his previous test was inconclusive. His retest (and others) were supposed to be delivered prior to the game, but there was a delay of some kind. As soon as they got the news, MLB informed the Dodgers, who got word to the dugout, and Mgr Roberts pulled him as soon as he got word. Now, the funny part is this: if you remember, in the off season, Turner was pissed the Astros weren't punished more for cheating. When asked about it and why they were stripped, Manfred said the World Series trophy was "just a piece of metal" and Turner fired back that the only thing devaluing the trophy, was that it said "Commissioner" on it. So, after the game, Manfred said to Fox, Turner was "immediately isolated to prevent spread" and then a few minutes later, Turner is on the field, holding the trophy, posing for pictures with the team, etc. It sure seemed like a giant Fuck You to Manfred.
I guess they all get to celebrate together for at least 14 days before getting back to their families, I guess? The ultimate Team Bender?
Surely, they had some hookers brought in at the beginning of the week, so they could be Covid tested and be in the bubble for the WS.
Well at least we now know that Dwarfs are not immune to Covid. I'm sure Turner is quite handy with a pick-axe. Fuck him though...who the fuck does he think he is? He tested positive for Covid and he exposes all his teammates because he thinks he should be part of their celebration and fuck all their loved ones? Get bent mother fucker.