nah they’ll go first in a mass suicide by fucking themselves in the ass too much with a dildo to “own the libs” and prove they’re not gay
Aside from Pete Rose and Ty Cobb, he’s probably the biggest piece of shit ever involved with the sport.
Word. Just because he’s dead it doesn’t excuse the kind of person he was when he was alive, so fuck him.
I have spoken with I think four people who have met him personally. All four say he is the rudest, most condescending prick they’ve met, famous or otherwise. I know a member on this board years ago posted about once serving him in a bar/restaurant and wanting to strangle him. Death: sometimes it isn’t sad.
He once said “The USA government has never improved the quality of life for a single human being” and then he put his fist through a Picasso.
Julie Strain My high school me is incredibly saddened.
It appears 2021 is more about the head fakes. I do thank you guys for pointing her out. Having been raised on b movie babes and suntan lines this girl really takes me back.