Phil Spector. They say he went out in a swelling of strings and horns and other various overproduced orchestration. Also COVID.
His now ex wife, some 40 years his junior, who married him during his trial, was on Adam Carolla's show a few years back. She was nuttier than squirrel shit.
Damn. RIP Hammering Hank. Great player, better human. When I finally got to go to Cooperstown HOF a couple years ago, his exhibit was definitely the most meaningful to me. I did not expect to get emotional touring it, and teared up a few times.
Pretty good stuff here in AJC:
When I was a kid I came across an old Sports Illustrated that had a small article on the rookie Aaron. I'll never forget the quote from the writer..."This kid will never be a threat to any home run records."
Most consecutive years with 24+ home runs. He was so consistently great.
My niece, a huge Braves fan, sent me a quote that's very appropriate: "Just remember kid, heroes get remembered but legends never die." ~ Babe Ruth, The Sandlot Bad Henry will never die.
What was his highest year, 45? He broke that record so casually it almost seems like they got the math wrong. Probably because he was so cranked on HGH and anabolic steroids his whole career. You could tell by looking at him.
He had a 47 one year. He had 8 seasons of 40+, but never topped 50. Barry Bonds also had 8 seasons of 40+, including his ridiculous 73 juiced season. It's interesting that besides that 73 year, Bonds also never topped 50 in a season.
Aaron also played mostly before expansion and faced top flight pitching on every team and every series.
Yep, Gibson, Drysdale, Maglie...those guys would just as soon hit you in the head than deal with you. On top of that, helmet wearing didn't come into widespread use until the early 70's and even then they had no ear flap.
I think that in Aaron's day, everyone was on amphetamines, which says even more about Mickey Mantle being a top player at the time while mostly being at least half-drunk.
Larry King No cause of death. But it was reported that he had COVID and he was 87.
He was super-old and chainsmoked until I think the late 80’s when he had a heart attack. He looked like he was in his 70’s back then. But hey, he was Mr. Interview. His career went on too long, but had countless important guests and topics. The JRE of the past two generations.
Has there ever been a time when disagreeing with Rubin’s stupidity hasn’t brought him to the verge of tears?