Damn. I never realized it was her in the classic Twilight Zone "It's A Wonderful Life" with the kid with unlimited powers.
Yep. The last role I remember her in was Two and a Half Men. She played a neighbor who seduced Alan with a Rolex and money for his business. Her comedic timing was still pretty good.
She was a pro. And in the game a LONG time, she goes all the way back to “Kiss Me Deadly” with Ralph Meeker.
Screech https://www.tmz.com/2021/02/01/dustin-diamond-saved-by-the-bell-star-dead-44-stage-4-cancer-screech/
This guy seemed like such a tortured soul. He was kind of a piece of shit after SBTB and it just seems like it was a desperate attempt to shed the Screech identity. As shitty as their stuff usually is, The A.V. Club had a pretty good write-up on him a few years back. I’ll see if I can dig it up.
There’s a guy who could not shake his original typecasting whatsoever. It wouldn’t shock me if that’s what made him do “deviant” things. It’s not like Anthony Edwards or Robert Carradine are always hearing “Yo Lewis/Gilbert!!!” every time they’re in public because of the dorks that THEY played in pop culture.
Ugh. I can see why you don’t like reading their articles. I mean, the subject matter and focus on it is both good, but they write articles in such Uber-douche stylings, like they wrote for Maxim in 1999.
Dave Creek, age 42, animator of my favorite show, Bob's Burgers. Died in a skydiving accident. https://www.usatoday.com/story/ente...eek-dead-after-skydiving-accident/6608443002/
I don't think they've written a review in the last 5 years that didn't spend half of the article talking about how the show/movie/book was problematic, no matter how hard they had to reach for it. "I'm disappointed that this children's cartoon about talking animals had the opportunity to show a black lesbian's perspective but chose not to." Nothing is woke enough for AV Club.