Consider yourself lucky to have seen anything at all, and you should've seen even less. This is a weapon of war, fuck are they doing holding PR events?
Gotta keep them ruskies updated on changes to delivery capabilities of nuclear weapons due a treaty or some such.
If we bombed the Iron Bowl we'd probably improve a lot of metrics related to average education, gdp, crime, etc.
I'll need a description to confirm or deny.... Things. BTW, my kid always points at your avatar and thinks your hamster with a crown is sooooo cute.
Or how about Rod Stewart ingesting two litres of cum? Do you know many loads you would have to take to reach that threshold? While swallowing ALL of it? I have to call shenanigans on that one, I guess it’s the pessimist in me.
hmmmh, at 30 secs a time, about just under 16 days if you don't need any sleep, might need some lube after the first couple and RSI could be a problem unless you got some help