This goes beyond bad installation. The lack of situational awareness is so awful I'd be scared to get in the car with him. You'd have to miss feeling the mat itself when you press down on the brake, miss the fact that the engine was revving while it was in park/neutral, and miss feeling the car absolutely itching to move once it was in gear but his foot was still on the brake. Are you sure the floormat installation story isn't a cover-up for, "I got drunk and drove the car into the living room"?
when we were still 19/20 and dating, in a moment of drunken honesty… yeah, I can say I probably thought about it. I mean she tried to get a piece of bread out of the toaster with a fork, while it was plugged in. She destroyed her parents’ microwave because she placed a can of refried beans in it. A CAN. Didn’t even open it! These are just two off the top of my head. Two kids and 12 years of marriage later, I just call them her “Mandi-isms.” Take the good with the bad, as she does with me. Yesterday she tried to season broccoli and took the entire lid off the shaker of lemon pepper instead of leaving the plastic part with the holes, now I gotta stop by the store to get more.
I couldn't tell you, I've never met him. I know she is smart and only an occasional drinker. I was just listening to the story and she's referring to him as "the dummy" the whole way through. I was thinking, if that's the level of respect she has for him... it just isn't going to work much longer. Not to mention she'd be bound for a lifetime of paying higher auto insurance premiums than if she actually got a partner with brains. I'm concerned with the status of the family as a whole... he'd be "the dummy" of the family forever. Our family is like a pack of wolves, we cull the weaker members!
This doesn't really change the answer to your question, which is, "absolutely you should dump someone if you have no respect for their intelligence."
See, those are mistakes, like I mentioned. The penalties for them are typically small. You have trust in her to do important things that come up in your relationship? Does she recognize her limitations and seek help with things beyond them? I had a Mandy once. She put regular Dawn in my dishwasher and filled the floor with soap suds. Every now and then, I make coffee without a cup under there and coffee goes everywhere. The wife laughs at me for it. But, when she needs the engine pulled out of her car, she always comes to me to do it.
I think it’s helpful that we both know what each other is capable of, and we’ll ask the other one to fill in when we can’t do something. For example, the brain surgery knocked out my ability to do math to the point I can’t even figure out a tip on the check at dinner, so she takes care of all the finances and I hand her the dinner receipt to fill out and sign. She’s not very good with handling major medical stuff and freaks out in emergencies, so if something comes up she now knows to just grab me my first aid kit(s) and go scream into the nearest corner.
Yet she married the most accident-prone person I've ever heard of? How has she not turned into a twitching, gibbering mental patient?
she does that when accidents happen. A few weeks ago she got a call from my sister that she was taking my nephew to the ER with a dirt bike injury (dodo bird wasn't wearing a helmet) and needed someone to meet her there. She said great, but you called the wrong person. I quickly got dressed. The reality is that most people aren't actually good under severe stress like that, especially when it happens to someone they know. I was very unfortunate with the brain tumor and the emotional trauma is still causes me to this day, but the silver lining is that when shit hits the fan, I go into triage mode and get things taken care of. In many ways, the Texas snowstorm ordeal was an extended triage. My wife's job during all that was to just keep the kiddos happy and make sure they had positive memories of it while daddy kept the electricity and water on and tried to keep us from getting flooded and/or frozen out of house and home.
while I'm not going to confirm or deny that, I think it has more to do with my sense of humor and being handy. Turns out women will put up with a lot of shit if you know how to fix what breaks around the place, and make them laugh while doing it. The Caddyshack boat is for sale!
The movies are Private School and Tomboy. Back when “sex comedies” existed. Almost four decades later and she has barely aged. She’s a genetic freak.
I’ve really come to a realization that my relationship with alcohol is winding down permanently. I’ve never been one that dealt with hangovers well but as I’m aging it’s taken less and less to create shitty days. First I thought it was switching to keto a few years back (that I’m not close to strict to anymore) or that it was that I preferred liquor that would do more damage even in limited quantities. After drinking a glass and a half of wine the other night and like 8 ounces of light beer last night with the same bullshit headache the next day. I’m kinda done with it all. Sucks as I love making interesting cocktails. Getting old sucks reason number 743.
New owners came by and met the crew today. Let me tell ya, that was fucking weird watching other people talk to "my guys"