Newsom is going to appoint someone to replace her, and Mitch McConnell is going to be a giant fucking asshole fissure and block the Dems putting someone else in DeFi's spot on the Judiciary Committee for as long as he can.
Less fuckable. Slightly. Or, given her record of public service, she can't fuck anyone else over ever again.
My exact sincere reaction. Ladies, we understand how much harder you have to work to crack the glass ceiling and reach those positions of power, but once you've reached them, it helps no one to hold the reins until the day your dessicated heart stops beating. Train your replacement, so you can retire while life is still worth living.
These people are too narcissistic to do anything but attain and hold onto power at all costs in their lives. Life isn’t worth living to them if they don’t have political influence and clout.
I might have a different mindset concerning Senator Feinstein. While I never agreed with every stance or bill she proposed or supported. She was very good at making sure the farmers of California were represented in Congress and did much to promote agriculture. This kept many of my clients financially healthy and in turn helped me make a living. Everyone thinks she kept getting reelected because of Liberals in San Francisco and Los Angeles., in reality she had support among the conservative farming community up and down California as well. She will be missed.
Specifically I'm referring to the recent years where she's been pulling the Weekend at Bernie's act. She should have quit a long time ago. It was her refusal to leave when she wasn't doing anything useful that brought on my comment. Her previous work? Very well done and commendable.
This one is painful. Every kid that grew up watching him play tried to throw his knuckleball. Also Curt Schilling continues to be a Grade A douchebag.
Definitely one of the coolest/ funniest names in sports history. I flat-out didn't believe that was his real name when I first heard it. "His name is DICK BUTT-KISS?! REALLY? I know I'm a kid, but I'm not THAT stupid. What's his REAL name?"