This episode was like coming home from work to a fine ass bitch butt nekid except the apron that she wore will grilling you a medium rare steak with a side of garlic loaded mashed potatoes, a single barrel whiskey and a blowjob while you eat it. Fuck me man. Great goddamned episode. And shit man have we been waiting for Logan to get his. Getting stabbed by his crazy wife was not even good enough. This is going to be - wait for it! - Legen. Dary.
I need to get me one of those masks they showed Jack wearing in next weeks preview. Thing looks sick.
They sure didn't pull any punches for these last few hours of 24. I can't believe more people haven't commented on this episode yet....It was phenomenal. Jack leading a one-man assault on Logan's motorcade, Logan squealing like a bitch, Jack being a one-man wrecking crew to kill the Russian guy with the fireplace poker.....It was like the good old days. The big question is if Jack will stop with killing the Russian president, go for a Russian prez/Allison Taylor double kill, or throw Logan in for the trifecta? Oh yeah, I hope Jason Pillar gets throat punched. I hate that guy. (But his assistant is fucking hot)
You know, if they did the shit they did these last two episodes for the last 2-3 seasons, the show probably wouldn't of been fucking canceled. This is the funniest, best shit I have ever seen on this show (still gotta watch season 4-5). My only complaint of this episode was that Jack slaughtered every Russian in that room off-camera. On a similar note, I don't think they're going to get those stains out of that carpet.
Ehh, it has run its course. Jack Bauer is one of my favorite TV characters, but the show has served its purpose at this point. How many more terrorists, Russians, crazy Islamics can hatch evil plots to blow up major cities? How many more times can Jack Bauer go rogue and have every law enforcement agency in the country after him? How many more times can Jack be right about a hunch and everyone else be fucking wrong? How many more sleazy presidents without spines (Logan and Taylor...David Palmer was the man) can we endure? 24 is a great show, but I don't know where else they can take it at this point.
Agree entirely with Thorgouge. This has to be one of the best episodes since the first two seasons. Jack is at his best when he doesn't give a fuck, is wounded and someone is in his cross-hair. The only thing that irritated me about the episode was how the FBI could have possibly found that reporter so quickly in the hotel. And how did this bitch think she was just going to post up next to a pay phone when there is an APB out on her ass? Fuuuuuck. I have a little comic that highlights my feelings: Edit. Had to change this retard's hair to blonde. FFS man.
Does anyone else think that Reed switched out the memory cards? It just seemed too easy for the FBI to take her down like that. Otherwise, it's just the writers way of getting away from the memory card and focusing on the bug that Jack put on Logan's shirt. Now that Jack knows that Subarov is involved, I wonder what will happen next.
Maybe Jack finds out the information won't get out so he just kills everyone from Chloe to Cole to the Russian president to President Taylor. Then like turns into a rocket and crashes into the sun or something.
I'm not sure how much sense Subarov's involvement makes. He's always been portrayed in the show as a pretty stand-up guy, and it's tough to see him being all buddy-buddy with Logan given their history. Although clearly it's just an excuse to have Jack take on a Russian Secret Service motorcade, so bring it on.
Well that series finale sucked. So much for Jack going out kicking ass. Spoiler Seriously, Alison Taylor deciding to do the right thing at the last second? The ending felt too much like season 4. The only positive thing I have to say is that we could be set up now for a good movie.
That just sucked giant donkey balls with a nice sheen of hippo dung for flavoring. All of the time I have devoted to this show and this is what I get? This is what Jack gets? An I'm sorry from a weak minded, bloody cunt rag? Fuck Allison Taylor and her 25th hour crisis of conscience, cry every five minutes like shes menstruating curled up on the couch with a sad chick flick and tub of Ben and Jerrys. Bitch please. Mufuckin David Palmer set up Barrack Obama. You fucked up the whole woman to be president move for another 3 decades. We can't have no bitch in the Whitehouse cryin everytime some shit gets real. Changin her mind when the wind redirects and someone stronger minded comes in the room. "Yeah that sounds like a good idea! Lets go with that. No wait..." You flimsy minded, trick ass skip skap skallywag. Fuck you, you stank bitch. Fuck Charles Logan and his cop out, even my last act was done wrong, sandy ass pussy, last chance oh boo hoo, bitch made trigger pull. Fuck Cole Ortiz and his wishy washy, go with the flow, yeah I fuck trannies, what don't judge me she was post opp, oh now I've been duped again but I'm gonna talk hard, weak ass stare mufucka. Fuck that shit and fuck this show for breaking weak and then not even having the stones to come hard one last time for die hard fans. Don't get me wrong, I love Jack and Chloe had a point but for the entire season to break as weak as it did, then for Jack to come correct for two great episodes and then to go flaccid right when he's about to bust the money shot all on 'em bitches titties. You left the whole audience with blue balls you last scene tear jerking pussies. You can eat a dick FOX. I'll watch (read download illegally so I don't inadvertently support some of your advertisers) Family Guy and silently boycott anything you try to sell me from this point forward. I been waiting for 20 weeks for this mufuckin bowl of Cheerios and you mufuckers took a loose shit in my bowl. Don't think I ain't gon remember this shit.
I'm done with 24. I've only followed up to mid season 4. But after seeing what's ahead I'm fucking done. Fuck 4 1/2-8. Fuck 24. Fuck Fox. Fuck the upcoming movie. Like the guy above me said, if anything I'll download. Fox and 24 should have known better than to give us a steaming hot pile of shit like that. If nothing else, box office numbers will suffer for it.
Glad to see President Taylor learned her lesson on coverups: Madam Cunt: I'm sorry Jack. I'm the President, and I shouldn't have covered up what happened to further my agenda. With that being said, it's no excuse what you've done by murdering 10 people in the last 5 days. Jack: (Utter surprise) Madam Cunt: That's why I'm going to coverup the fact that I was going to have you killed, and then let you go. That's the right thing to do. Jack: Madam President, I've just killed 10 people in revenge of the death of Renee Walker. Theoretically, I may have created multiple versions of me and you are sending the message to the Russians (if this ever comes out) that revenge killings are ok. I may have just created tens (if not hundreds) of Russian Jack Bauers. I'm out of here. Cloe: This never happened. (scowl) On a side note, Logan's death did seem appropriate. It would have been nice to see him go down by the hands of another, but it was appropriate to his character. I'm not quite sure why he killed his aid though. That was confusing. Roy Jones' best ending: Islamic President brings a gun to the ceremony. Assassinates Russian President, and is gunned down when she turns the gun on President Taylor. President Taylor flips, and admits to everything. Hot Islamic daughter is so distraught she gets naked and sucking off everybody in the room. The entire focus of resources (and bountiful bj's) leaves Jack to die. After taking out the entire hit squad, he is attacked by none other than Chuck Norris and we have a battle to end all battles. It ends when the entire world turns their arsenals on the destroyed city. New York (and the east coast of the United States) is destroyed. Out of the ashes, a kinship is born. Chuck and Jack are now enraged at the world and it is going to be a bloodbath. Cue 24 movie.
I haven't read this thread from the beginning so this may have been gone over already, but am I the only one wishing that Jack had been killed at the end of the season and that talk of a movie had been some sort of cover for what they were actually going to do? Sure they left the ending open enough to make a movie out of, and the format of a 24 movie might allow them to do alot more with the plot than theycould with the (fairly) rigid 24 hours. But when you're stuck recycling plotlines over the last few seasons and the exact ending to the series, you start to wonder how much new, compelling material you can get out of the same show. An ending like that would have wrapped the series up on a really powerful note and considering how the past few seasons have been such a huge disappointment compared to earlier ones, it would have done quite a bit to redeem that in a sense. I'm sure they'll all make a small fortune from the movie but it seemed like a missed opportunity to me, at least creatively.
I, too, wanted a blood bath so I was disappointed with the last two hours. The Junior High antics from the two woman leaders after the plot had been exposed was laughable. They kept yelling and threatening, and then just kept walking by each other pretending not to notice the other. It seemed to me that they had far too much emotional baggage to be making objective decisions as leaders of a country. With that being said, I loved the plot and how believable and intense this entire season was, I really just wanted to see 24 end with a bang, potential movie or not. I was thinking that the US Pres would give Jack a presidential pardon, since he was in the right by trying to reveal the conspiracy/get revenge for Renee. Thoughts on Jack getting a pardon for his actions in day 8?