I thought the same thing. Like, "Look bitch, I wouldn't have had to kill anyone if you would have just listened to me and your conscience instead of making emotional estrogen fueled decisions."
Fucked up or did Fox just safe guard our nations future nobly so at the expense of ending one of their greatest shows on a good note. I one for thank Fox for this selfless act.
This may perhaps be highly valid. A barren wombed, hair dying so you have to guess my age by my wrinkles, dried out axe wound, "I just need a moment to cry", cock envying, lets all get in for a group hug, cucumber sandwich eating, "I'm feeling bloaty today", double XX'd chromosomed, welp guess there wasn't a suitable male candidate, popular vote loser for a president is just not how I want to get down. Bring on the down rep votes. If you watched Allison Taylor for a president and want that, I want you to move to Indo-China and renounce your American citizenship.
I wish they had just wrapped up every loose end ever created. A Justice League comprised of Jack's Dad, Tony Almeda, Desmond from LOST, and Johnny Drama combat with Jack for the last hour of the show some martial arts, some gun fight, some melee weapons, Jack wins by outgunning all of them ala Unforgiven, impregnates Chloe, and then walks the earth with President Taylor's dumbass head atop his walking stick with Audrey Raines. Oh yeah, he stuffs her father's head up his ass for forbidding Jack to see his daughter. Countdown the clock.
The scene between Jack and Chloe at the end was the only decent moment in an otherwise atrocious ending to one of the best television series of all time. Sad, really.