He's also surprisingly small, for being an "athlete." My wife and I were vacationing in NYC a few years ago and I later found out he was there to do the talk show rounds for an appology tour after back problems and some legal troubles I forgot. Point is, I walked on an elevator just he was on, this skinny ass meek looking dude with a posture like he was completely defeated. Not sure what else to say, I just laughed "no worries man I don't care about golf." Then he said something about people in new york being crazy. Apparently that passes for small talk in NYC?
Unless that car is all that he has. I know a guy who drives a six-figure Corvette, but he doesn't make a Corvette salary and lives in what is pretty much an efficiency-apartment. No thanks. Some guys are up for that, but I'd rather not sleep in a glorified closet for the privilege of having glistening wheels. Drive what you can afford, that's what I say. My neighbour a few doors down has a glossy jet-black mid-90's Lambo Diablo straight out of Hard Drivin'. He's a smart and considerate fast car owner, and never speeds in the neighbourhood.
He should have taken the john daily route from the start as far as persona. The fact that he had an apology tour to help fix his reputation is crazy. Hell I don't know why he got married in the first place as big a cooz hound as he supposedly is. Is the money really that much better having a Mr Rogers personality in that profession?
I'm sure Nike and everyone else who advises him told him he was better off having a middle America public persona. It worked for Jordan, why not use the same playbook for Woods
See I don't know the golf world that much but it is a very big business related sport and big business in general likes the milquetoast family man. You probably have an easier time in football or basketball being an unabashed man whore. Somehow baseball players do the best but still come off as lily white. Maybe it's just because the game is just so low key to begin with.
Golf, the gentlemen a game, is filled with bed-hopping assholes. Phil Fucking Mickelson (his full name)...read into some stories about that guy, he's the Joe Walsh of golf. His nickname amongst other pros is FIGJAM (Fuck, I'm Great. Just Ask Me!). You'll see NHL guys drinking downtown a lot in the summer months here. Because they're pussy hounds and they know Richmond Row is an easy lay for them, Brandon Prust does his libertine groundwork here and he told all his friends about it. Prust was a really nice kid. Others, like Patrick Kane, were insufferable little cunts. Fuck, he is talented... all the dirty handles that God could give a hockey player, and you just wanted to throttle him while smiling. ...maybe first impressions mean something to me, I know he was shitfaced but alcohol also removes the mask. And 99% of drunks I've met had more self control than the best stick handler in the world.
Agree about Tiger. If you're an asshole own it and have fun with it. Tons of people would respect that more. I have a student doing an internship with me. She's been with me for 3 weeks and thinks she's ready to be completely independent. She's 24, has never had a job and somehow fails to notice the daily direction I'm giving her both cognitively and physically. I'm literally jumping in to save her ass on a regular basis, and she's upset that I'm not checking her off. There's zero self-reflection or perspective about how much she's NOT doing by herself. I'm tempted to throw my hands in the air and let her fail. Thoughts?
It's happened a time or two. This one probably went home and cried. It's mind boggling to me because when I was a student I was really hard on myself, and my CIs spent a lot of time pointing out the things I was doing well. This girl is the opposite and thinks she's the shit.
Not your job to help her pass or fail. I say teach her and if she cannot pass muster on her own, then you are saving future patients and employers.
Buy a small notebook and put a "Intern Don't Know Shit" label on it. Or get a "stupidintern" twitter account. Every time you have to save her, make a note or tweet about it. Every night at the end of shift, go over the day's stuff and point out all the shit you had to call her on or save her from. Be sure to set your expectations well in advance, and often... "I don't expect to have to call you out on anything" kind of thing... then show her, the next day, how she failed to meet your expectations. If she gives you lip, then point out that if she'd stop doing this shit (point to list of past shit), then you'd be happy to sign her off. Be sure to show that she's the cause. And accept the fact that most kids are too fucking stupid to know they're stupid.
Sitting here in San Diego, grilling steaks and drinking cocktails with my twin, mean the family dog, Chico, is chilling with us. Life is good.
Sitting in the local Pizza parlor with my family, cause I literally burned the ribs to a crisp. Life I still good.
I woke up yesterday with a fucked up summer cold. Sneezing/wanting to sneeze but don't, nose running constantly and a sore throat. Just enough to make me miserable, not bad enough to actually incapacitate me in any way. And I know this son of a bitch is going to last 2 weeks. Fuck me.
He says it wasn't alcohol, but prescription meds. If you're arrested for suspicion of DUI, I know you can refuse a breathalyzer on the scene. Can you also continue to refuse that and/or blood analysis once you're in custody and at the station? Or, will the cops definitely know if it's drugs or alcohol?