Look, I don't know how you do it in your neck of the woods, but where I come from the hooker isn't just going to dress up like Florida from Good Times for free.
You always pay for it one way or another, but unless you know someway of getting hotels for free, yea you pay for it.
You may have noticed that I sent out an email blast to all of our registered members in the hopes of rekindling the past love... not sure if anyone got it or if we were labelled as spam... anyone happen to get the message?
Same for me. I marked it as not spam so that means I should get all future e-mails from the board, correct?
In theory, yes. The goal was to try and ping the past members that haven't been around in a while to let them know that there's new forum software, new mods, etc., to see if they'd want to come back and visit. Not many people I know check their spam folders, so we'll see. The best thing that can happen is people with GMail to check "not spam" so that Google has a shot at learning that it's not really spam, so in case I try it again it'll work. Regardless, it was a Hail Mary at best.
That's what I did. I couldn't find anything about adding e-mail domains to the allowed list if there even is anything like that on gmail - I haven't looked extensively into it, but there was nothing jumping out at me like that. Back to everyone's scheduled drinking. It's 5pm somewhere, right?
I would check, but Yahoo! mail won't let me on since I got out of prison; I have the name and password right, but they want me to verify it with another email address, and I don't recognize it (they'll only let me see one letter of it). I haven't really tried getting into that account after that, although I've had it for almost 15 years. Does anyone have any advice on this? Also, what's the point of having an elaborate "safe" password like was using if they provider won't even let you on when you get it right?
I had the same exact problem with yahoo (without the trip to the big house and anal raping). To this day, I can't get into it, but I can on my iPhone because it remembers the password - yet, I can't figure out how to get my iphone to reveal that damn password to me!
It's purely coincidence that he sent that email, I logged in yesterday morning on my own accord. Either way, I'm back and I missed (most) of you degenerates.